Wednesday, November 30, 2022

December Dates To Remember!

Phillip Bell- Dec 6th
Annette - Dec 9th
Zayvion - Dec 10th
Laryssa - Dec 11th
Mattie - Dec 15th
Phillip's Party - Dec 17th
Dallis - Dec 18th
Journey - Dec 22nd
Domingo - Dec 23rd
Quincy - Dec 24th
Christmas Day - Dec 25th
Karson - Dec 28th
Macellina - Dec 30th 
New Year's Eve - Dec 31st

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Bell Chapel CME Church!

Info for Phoning in:

1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059#


Pass Code: 633057# 

Link and Code for Zoom Video Access:

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059 
Pass Code: 633057# 


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Pastor, Rev. Eloise Knox

1397 Palou Ave., San Francisco, CA

Praise & Worship Service

Jesus Promised by Chicago Mass Choir

God is My Everything by Chicago Mass Choir

(We do not own the rights to this music)

Call to worship ______________ Rev. Yolanda Jackson

Invocation of Praise___________________ Rev. Eloise Knox

Affirmation of Modern Creed (Back Page) ___________ Minister

Scripture_____ (John 1: 6-14) ______ Minister

Music Ministry: Blessed Assurance by Shirley Caesar

Giving Ministry ____________________ Steward Board

Welcome/Visitors Announcements ___Sis. Dominique Spring

Music Ministry: Believe for it Cece Winans

Pastoral Prayer ___________________ Rev. Eloise Knox

Music Ministry: We Need A Word From the Lord by The Best of Thomas Whitfield

Sermon ____________________________ Rev. Eloise Knox

Invitation to Discipleship/Altar Call ________________ Minister

Music Ministry: Instrumental: Praise Him, Blessed Savior! By Demajor77

Doxology: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow by Queen City Singers Choir

Benediction _____________ Pastor Knox

Worship Services/Announcements:

v The Mid-Winter Council is coming up and will be held December 3, 2022 at St Stephens CME Church, 2301 at Union St., Fairfield, CA 94533, between 9:00AM-2:30PM. Programs for the Mid-Winder Council have been sent out via email.

v The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Northern California Missionary Society is offering the Helena B. Cobb scholarship to high school students and returning college students. The Deadline is January 20, 2023. See Sis. Breanna Frelot or Sis. Barbra Scott for more information on how to apply.

Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service) and (Wednesday Night Bible Study):

New Zoom Link: 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057, Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:00-10:45am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:30pm (PT)

MONDAY – FRIDAY: CME Church Connectional Prayer Conference Call, 6:20 AM

(PT Dial-In: (605) 468-8885, Access Code 616984#

TUESDAYS: Bell Chapel, Intercessory Prayer Call, 5:30 AM (PT)

Dial-In: (267) 807-9605, Access Code: 851686#

WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, Zoom Link: 983 9548 3059 Passcode:633057 Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

Wednesday, November 30, 2022 6:45-8:00PM, Lesson 35, Book of I & II Corinthians, Thru the Bible By Stringfellow, See Sister Lakessa Williams to obtain a Book. Sister Twila Brown, Instructor.

Bell Chapel Ministry to Men Support Meeting, 2:00 PM (PT) All Are Welcome Zoom Meeting:

Telephone Dial-In: (669) 900-6833, Code #86721723331

November Birthdays

Sis. Serena Angel Nov 4 Reynardo Springfield, Sr. Nov 11

A’Maury Robinson Nov 4 Marie Benson Nov 14

Sis. Sandra Springfield Nov 6 Rev. Eloise Knox Nov 15

Bro. Jerry Robinson Nov 7

Sick & Shut-in

Bro. Charles Puckett Bro. Cedric Bell Sis. Dora Bell-Fields Bro. Aaron Tolliver Sis. Ursula Pitts Bro. DaShaun Frelot

Bro. Wilson Turner Bro. Sterling Lewis Bro. Aaron Doss

Bro. Mace Gouldsby Jr.

Senior Super Saints

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron & Ernestine Doss Mrs. Marie Taylor

Mrs. Bea Goode

Stay Safe! Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands & Practice Social 6 Ft Distancing!

Prayer Focus: We are praying for all to be responsible kingdom citizens, by getting vaccinated to bring an end to the COVID-19 Virus in our nation, and around the world.

(Scripture Focus: Matthew 18:18)


Pray for the Government: COVID-19 Patients: Bereaved families: Inactive Members:

Bishop Charley Hames, Jr, / Lady Michelle Gaskill Hames

Presiding Elder. Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton/ Lady Dominique Walton, Pastor Eloise Knox

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Quadrennial Theme 2022-2026


Next- Level Ninth Episcopal District Mission & Vision: Reaching beyond where we are to where you belong! The Scripture; II Corinthians 10:3-5 & 14

“We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” “We are not reaching beyond these boundaries when we claim authority over you, as if we had never visited you. For we were the first to travel all the way to Corinth with the Good News of Christ.”

Modern Creed

Minister: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true Church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare:

Minister and People: We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will is ever directed to his children's good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father's unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth.


Happy Birthday, Wayne!

Wayne: My Grand Baby's 1st Visit on my Birthday!👏🏾💕

Happy Birthday, Kenan!

Happy Birthday, Billie!


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wayne: Wesley and I running Thanksgiving Day!

Cecily & Charisse


Charisse's mom, brother and friend, Julia with Wallace

From top: Phillip, Roderick, Anthony with Charli
Korey, Quincy, Lorraine
Domingo, Melissa
Wayne, Rikki
Anika, Nick & Donovan

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Bell Chapel CME Church! November 20, 2022!

Info for Phoning in:

1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059#


Pass Code: 633057# 

Link and Code for Zoom Video Access:

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059 
Pass Code: 633057# 


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Pastor, Rev. Eloise Knox

1397 Palou Ave., San Francisco, CA



Founder’s Day Service

Jesus is Alive Hillsong Church with Ron Kenoly

God is Good by Jonathan McReynolds

(We do not own the rights to this music)

Worship Leader ______________ Sis. Angela Harris

Call to worship ______________ Rev. Yolanda Jackson

Pastoral Prayer ___________________ Rev. Yolanda Jackson

Scripture_____ (Hebrews 10: 23-24) ______ Sis Arlene Sharp

Music _______________________Music Ministry

Giving Ministry ____________________ Steward Board

Welcome/Visitors Announcements ___Sis. Dominique Spring

Music _________________________Music Ministry

Founders Day Emphasis _____________ Sis. Breanna Frelot

Introduction of Speaker __________________ Rev Eloise Knox

Music ___________________ Music Ministry


Loretta Y. Dickerson-Smith of Allen Chapel A.M.E Church

San Francisco

Invitation to Discipleship/Altar Call ________________ Minister

Remarks ___________________ Sis. Lakessa Williams

Benediction _____________ Minister

Worship Services/Announcements:

Celebrating 77 Years Our Theme: “A Legacy of Faith” Scripture: Hebrews 10: 23-24, Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

v The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Northern California Missionary Society is offering the Helena B. Cobb scholarship to high school students and returning college students. The Deadline is January 20, 2023. See Sis. Breanna Frelot or Sis. Barbra Scott for more information on how to apply.

Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service) and (Wednesday Night Bible Study):

New Zoom Link: 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057, Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:00-10:45am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:30pm (PT)

MONDAY – FRIDAY: CME Church Connectional Prayer Conference Call, 6:20 AM

(PT Dial-In: (605) 468-8885, Access Code 616984#

TUESDAYS: Bell Chapel, Intercessory Prayer Call, 5:30 AM (PT)

Dial-In: (267) 807-9605, Access Code: 851686#

WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, Zoom Link: 983 9548 3059 Passcode:633057 Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

Wednesday, November 23, 2022 6:45-8:00PM, Lesson 36, Book of I Corinthians, Thru the Bible By Stringfellow, See Sister Lakessa Williams to obtain a Book. Sister Twila Brown, Instructor.

Bell Chapel Ministry to Men Support Meeting, 2:00 PM (PT) All Are Welcome Zoom Meeting:

Telephone Dial-In: (669) 900-6833, Code #86721723331

November Birthdays

Sis. Serena Angel Nov 4 Reynardo Springfield, Sr. Nov 11

A’Maury Robinson Nov 4 Marie Benson Nov 14

Sis. Sandra Springfield Nov 6 Rev. Eloise Knox Nov 15

Bro. Jerry Robinson Nov 7

Sick & Shut-in

Bro. Charles Puckett Bro. Cedric Bell Sis. Dora Bell-Fields Bro. Aaron Tolliver Sis. Ursula Pitts Bro. DaShaun Frelot

Bro. Wilson Turner Bro. Sterling Lewis Bro. Aaron Doss

Bro. Mace Gouldsby Jr.

Senior Super Saints

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron & Ernestine Doss Mrs. Marie Taylor

Mrs. Bea Goode

Stay Safe! Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands & Practice Social 6 Ft Distancing!

Prayer Focus: We are praying for all to be responsible kingdom citizens, by getting vaccinated to bring an end to the COVID-19 Virus in our nation, and around the world.

(Scripture Focus: Matthew 18:18)


Pray for the Government: COVID-19 Patients: Bereaved families: Inactive Members:

Bishop Charley Hames, Jr, / Lady Michelle Gaskill Hames

Presiding Elder. Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton/ Lady Dominique Walton, Pastor Eloise Knox

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Quadrennial Theme 2022-2026


Next- Level Ninth Episcopal District Mission & Vision: Reaching beyond where we are to where you belong! The Scripture; II Corinthians 10:3-5 & 14

“We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” “We are not reaching beyond these boundaries when we claim authority over you, as if we had never visited you. For we were the first to travel all the way to Corinth with the Good News of Christ.”

Modern Creed

Minister: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true Church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare:

Minister and People: We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will is ever directed to his children's good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father's unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth.


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Bell Chapel CME Church! November 13, 2022!

Info for Phoning in:

1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059#


Pass Code: 633057# 

Link and Code for Zoom Video Access:

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059 
Pass Code: 633057# 


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Pastor, Rev. Eloise Knox

1397 Palou Ave., San Francisco, CA

Ministry to Men

Praise & Worship Service

I Don’t Mine Giving God the Praise by Leonard Scott,

Pentecostal Praise Medley

(We do not own the rights to this music)

Call to Worship ___________________Bro. Richard Scott

Invocation of Praise _________________Bro. Charles Puckett

Affirmation of Faith (Modern Creed) _See Back Page _Minister

Scripture _________ (Matthew 9: 35-38)___________Minister

Music Ministry: I am on the Battlefield by Congregational Channel of Blessings # 493

Giving Ministry ___________________Stewards

Acknowledgment of Visitors/Announcements ______Sis. Dominique Springfield

Music Ministry: Everyday Is a Day of Thanksgiving by Dr. Charles G. Hayes, Cosmopolitan Church of Prayer

Pastoral Prayer _____________________Pastor Knox

Music Ministry: Pass Me Not by Ann Nesby # 162

Sermon____________Pastor E. Knox

Invitation to Discipleship/ Altar Call __________Pastor Knox

Music Ministry: Instrumental: Praise Him, Blessed Savior!!! By Demajor77

Doxology: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow by Queen City Singers Choir

Benediction ____________________________Pastor Knox

Worship Services/ Announcements:

v Bell Chapel’s 77th Founder’s Day Celebration will be held Sunday, November 20, 2022, @ 11:00am. The Guest Preacher is Rev. Loretta Dickerson-Smith, Pastor, Allen Chapel AME Church, San Francisco. Please invite relatives and friends to join us! Organist and Singer Sis. Carmen Marshall will be our guest musician. Also, reminder to all to who have not, please take care of your apportionments.

v The Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Northern California Missionary Society is offering the Helena B. Cobb scholarship to high school students and returning college students. The Deadline is January 20, 2023. See Sis. Breanna Frelot or Sis. Barbra Scott for more information on how to apply.

From the Bell Chapel CME Missionary Society,

As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s a time to reflect with gratitude on the blessings and bounties we’ve received, as well as consider whether we can be of assistance to those who are in need inside and outside of the church. If you or anyone you know is in need this holiday season, we will be providing goods and services in the form of a Thanksgiving Basket. Please submit the names of individuals and families that can benefit from this blessing to Sis. Barbara Scott no later than November 16th, 2022.

Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service) and (Wednesday Night Bible Study):

New Zoom Link: 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057, Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:00-10:45am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:30pm (PT)

MONDAY – FRIDAY: CME Church Connectional Prayer Conference Call, 6:20 AM

(PT Dial-In: (605) 468-8885, Access Code 616984#

TUESDAYS: Bell Chapel, Intercessory Prayer Call, 5:30 AM (PT)

Dial-In: (267) 807-9605, Access Code: 851686#

WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, Zoom Link: 983 9548 3059 Passcode:633057 Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

Wednesday, November 16, 2022 6:45-8:00pm PM, Lesson 35, Book of I Corinthians, Thru the Bible By Stringfellow, See Sister Lakessa Williams to obtain a Book. Sister Twila Brown, Instructor.

Bell Chapel Ministry to Men Support Meeting, 2:00 PM (PT) All Are Welcome Zoom Meeting:

Telephone Dial-In: (669) 900-6833, Code #86721723331

November Birthdays

Sis. Serena Angel Nov 4 Reynardo Springfield, Sr. Nov 11

A’Maury Robinson Nov 4 Marie Benson Nov 14

Sis. Sandra Springfield Nov 6 Rev. Eloise Knox Nov 15

Bro. Jerry Robinson Nov 7

Sick & Shut-in

Bro. Charles Puckett Bro. Cedric Bell Sis. Dora Bell-Fields Bro. Aaron Tolliver Sis. Ursula Pitts Bro. DaShaun Frelot

Bro. Wilson Turner Bro. Sterling Lewis Bro. Aaron Doss

Bro. Mace Gouldsby Jr.

Senior Super Saints

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron & Ernestine Doss Mrs. Marie Taylor

Mrs. Bea Goode

Stay Safe! Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands & Practice Social 6 Ft Distancing!

Prayer Focus: We are praying for all to be responsible kingdom citizens, by getting vaccinated to bring an end to the COVID-19 Virus in our nation, and around the world.

(Scripture Focus: Matthew 18:18)


Pray for the Government: COVID-19 Patients: Bereaved families: Inactive Members:

Bishop Charley Hames, Jr, / Lady Michelle Gaskill Hames

Presiding Elder. Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton/ Lady Dominique Walton, Pastor Eloise Knox

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Quadrennial Theme 2022-2026


Next- Level Ninth Episcopal District Mission & Vision: Reaching beyond where we are to where you belong! The Scripture; II Corinthians 10:3-5 & 14

“We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.” “We are not reaching beyond these boundaries when we claim authority over you, as if we had never visited you. For we were the first to travel all the way to Corinth with the Good News of Christ.”

Modern Creed

Minister: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true Church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare:

Minister and People: We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will is ever directed to his children's good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father's unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen

Friday, November 11, 2022

November Random Pics!

Miss Olivia :)


Wynt- Pit crew of Encouragement
San Diego KP THRIVE 1/2 Marathon at Mission Bay


Micah, Ali & Jaivon

Alma Jean Bell Daily (Uncle John Bell's daughter)

Uncle Porter and Aunt Vata Bell

Ishmael & Isaiah


Rose & Wallace

Rose (middle), friend and Charisse

Quincy & Charli