Friday, November 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jesse & Tommie



Thanksgiving @ Alex's house (her dad, Carl and mom, Dawn)

TT greeting Angel
TT, Roni, Alijah

Isaiah, Alijah

Aiden, Ishmael

Ursula hugging TT

Billie's cake

Korey, Quincy, Lorraine & Anthony
Nick in the kitchen

Rik, Sugar Pie, Korey, Anthony, Glen (holding Quincy), Domingo, Lorraine & Wayne

Quincy looking at camera :)

Nick rushing off to work

Later in the evening - Roderick and Mindy (in front of Glen), Tiger and Lisa (left bottom), Donovan next to Wayne
Tiger is Patty's son. Patty was Lonnie Bell Jr's and Eleze Birch's daughter. So she was our triple cousin

Thankful for many things, including our family

Video from Wallace on Thanksgiving near Palm Springs 

Charisse: "Thanksgiving at my brother Michael's"

Cecily & Kenan


BellGram 2024 said...

Beautiful. Nice to see family together ๐Ÿ‚We have so much to be thankful for๐Ÿ‚
Love all y'all

BellGram 2024 said...

Thanks for all of the pics. Enjoyed them so much.