Monday, March 30, 2020

Happy Birthday, Charisse!


BellGram 2024 said...

Hi Charisse,
Hope all is well. Just want to wish a very, very Happy Birthday to my favorite sister-in-law :).
Have a joyful day.
Love you,
Yours in Christ, Mattie

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Short Stack.
And many blessings to come. I thank you for so much. I appreciate your support since I got in trouble with my mobility. You heled me to get my rug and even helped to put it down, with boxing up dishes when the painter was coming and during this food crisis, you have searched and found food and had it delivered to me. That is such a blessing to me. Enjoy your day and know that you are loved.

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Charisse.
I hope today is especially good to you. Have a wonderful day and may God keep blessing you.
Love you,
Collina :)

BellGram 2024 said...

I want to thank you Sisters for the love and blessings you have each extended me on my Birthday and frankly always.

We have so much to be thankful for and on this my 64th birthday: I thank God for sustaining my life and all the blessings He has given me in family, health, shelter and provision. I thank you Mattie Mae for wishing me joy on this day and the extension of your love. I thank you Collina for your hope that my day would be "especially good" and for your love. I thank you Jean for affirming your love for me. I thank you Billie for your encouragement to reflect on the hope and blessings that I have on this day in the future.

You are all special to me and I'm grateful to be called Sister by you allπŸ˜‰πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ˜

Love you
Charisse and Short Stack!

BellGram 2024 said...

I posted two birthday messages yesterday and they disappeared so I will try again.
Happy birthday to my wonderful wife. I’m so grateful to have her in our lives. It is my understanding that many are seeing the worse in each other while being forced to stay inside together. Well I have come to appreciate her in ways that I have not before. After Phillip’s stroke I was in bad shape until she prayed then told me what God had revealed to her; much effort has been put into making sure we had proper diet even though she had to go out sometime to get the food. I’ll stop there!!!!! Thank the Lord for her.
There are so few germs in our house that I may live to be 200 years old.

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Charisse! I pray your special day was full of happiness and lasting great memories. You are special and dearly loved. May God’s blessings and guidance continue always. I also sent a message yesterday - don’t know what happened.

BellGram 2024 said...

Thank you to Wallace, Glen, Rodney and Ricky for the love and birthday wishes❤πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‰ Charisse