Wednesday, April 1, 2020

April Health & Fitness! (10 Tips For Keeping Produce Fresh) - From Billie (5 Risk Factors For Heart Disease) Controlling and Preventing Heart Disease Risk Factors)

Are you getting 15-30 minutes of sunlight per day?
If you answered, "No" – you're not alone.
We are facing challenging times right now and people all over the world have spent weeks indoors.
And the more time you spend indoors, the likelihood of obtaining a healthy amount of sunlight continues to decline.
Why does this matter?
Well, sunlight is a vital source of Vitamin D3...
And, your body NEEDS Vitamin D to maintain a healthy immune system!
In fact, Health experts are shocked that "no international health organization or governmental body has declared a health emergency to warn the public about the urgent need" of maintaining optimal blood levels of Vitamin D… [1]
But, there is a way you can take action today…
BUT BE WARNED: Not all Vitamin D is created equal
Lack of regulation in the supplement industry allows vitamin manufacturers to flood the market with useless vitamins. Simply put, you don't know what you're REALLY getting…
Not to mention, most people buy Vitamin D in tablet form and they DO NOT receive the benefits of those vitamins as a majority of the nutrients are not absorbable in the stomach…
However, there is a new patented liposomal technology for Vitamin D that is clinically PROVEN to be more absorbable and delivers the nutrients straight into the bloodstream!

(Above article on Sunlight and Immunity from Wallace)

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