Friday, June 19, 2020

Celebrating Juneteenth!

This poster from Billie

Below are a few of the notices received lately showing their committment to racial progress:

Bath and Body Works

Grove Collaborative

Hello Friends,

From our founding, Grove has been a company that seeks to use business to make the world a better place.

As we’ve watched in pain the recent tragic events unfold — the horrific deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor among others; and the pervasive racism in many parts of society — our desire to do good has a particularly poignant meaning today.

But, we are inspired by the collaboration of individuals, organizations, and thought leaders to drive far deeper awareness into the scale and scope of racial injustice. Black Lives Matter. We stand with the black community. We want to contribute to positive progress.

At Grove, we’re starting at home. We are having hard conversations, listening to our employees and our customers, and finding ways to use our corporate platform to chip away at systemic injustice. We made our first ever internal grant, to our Diversity & Inclusion squad, for more initiatives that can help us drive more equity and thoughtfulness within our company and our industry. We are engaging our employees to participate and guide our financial contribution; based on their votes, we will donate at least $10,000 to charities and organizations fighting racism.

And, while we are a small company, we do see ourselves as a leading values-driven business in the natural products industry. We want to use that position to make our sector more equitable. We support minority‑owned businesses, and commit to increasing our purchases from them by at least $250,000 through 2021. If you have natural brands you love, feel free to share them with our team at and look out for new brands you can support at Grove over the coming year — and beyond.

I will end on a note of gratitude for our community. Thank you for your continued input. Thank you for your support. Thank you for all the things you do, big and small, to be a part of positive change in the world. And thank you for helping Grove to become a little better every day.

Your Friends in Collaboration,
Stu + The Grove Team

FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2020
A Letter From the Editor
Good day. Seek the truth and help people understand the world. That’s the mission of The New York Times. It holds true for NYT Cooking as well, where we look at everything through the prism of home cooking and write up our findings as recipes.
And here is a truth now: The protests that have followed the killing of George Floyd on May 25 have spread into every corner of American life, including the kitchen table, which has had a long history of being a central gathering place for powerful conversations about change. Home cooks, professional chefs, casual readers and dedicated subscribers alike raise their voices high: Systemic racism is real. Police violence against black people is real. Black lives matter. Those voices seek change in the institutions to which they subscribe. They demand it.
The Times has reported extensively on the nation’s unrest, on the violence visited on protesters, on the looting that has followed some protests, on the institutional responses and grass-roots activism that allows some to hope for a brighter day. This week, The Times reconstructed the killing of Mr. Floyd, investigated the government’s use of chemical spray on peaceful protesters, exposed disproportionate police force against black people and reported on-the-ground from Minneapolis about the city’s history of racism. That is the newsroom’s job. That is how a newspaper effects social change: by bearing witness.
NYT Cooking has a slightly different brief. Our medium is recipes, and cooking instruction: a way to understand the world through food. But we share values across the company that employs us: independence; integrity; curiosity; respect; collaboration; excellence. Underpinning all of that: a real and abiding commitment to diversity and inclusion.
Our goal is to have an audience that looks like America. Our staff and roster of contributors must reflect that, so that the recipes we share and develop represent the people we serve, whose stories we seek to tell. That takes commitment and action. We will show our work. Please watch this space. I’ll be back on Sunday.

We are heartbroken
We are weary
We want change
We stand with the Black community
The world is hurting. The Black community is fighting for their lives. Radical change and repair are necessary. This starts with each one of us doing the inner work to become aware of how racism lives within us and how it is perpetuated through us.
At Calm, we're looking in the mirror and asking ourselves how we can interrupt systemic racism and show up in solidarity with the Black community. To begin, we are donating to NAACP Legal Defense Fund. We’re listening. We’re learning. We can and will do better.

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