Friday, July 31, 2020

Celebrating Wayne J. Odd, Jr. - Congratulations On Your Retirement!

Wayne J. Odd, Jr is retiring from his position as The Department of Consumer Affairs Section Chief, Application Services after 32 years of service!

From Wayne: 
It's been 'quite a ride' working with the State of CA. 
Starting as a Computer Programmer at the Dept of Health Services, March 1988 with a new baby- Wayne 'Trey' and Loretta being a stay home mom. 

1989, Moving on as an Analyst at the Student Aid Commission with a new baby on the way, Wynton.

1991, I continued as an Analyst with the Legislative Data Center then on as a Data Processing Manager with the Dept of Corrections & Rehabilitation in 1993. 

June 1996, I took on the challenges as a Chief over the Applications and Client Services Sections with the Dept of Consumer Affairs. 
There, I served my remaining 24 years of state service, Blessed with Laryssa in 1998.  

Saturday, Aug 1, The Family Blessed me with a Retirement Celebration!

We had a Wonderful time in Fellowship, Family and Food.

The First Cake Celebrated my last day of work 
July 17, 2020.
I burned off two weeks of leave I HAD TO TAKE🤷🏾‍♂️.
Didn't wanna lose it!!

The Second Cake Memorialized my Retirement of July 30, 2020.

Celebrating With Family-
Lo'gi, Laryssa, Maci, Trey, Ashley, and Wynton.

Much Love to All. 

Stay Blessed!
Stay Safe!

Wash hands Often!! 
Wear Mask !! 😷


BellGram 2024 said...

Congratulations, Wayne.
Relax and enjoy. You deserve it.
Uncle Wayne

BellGram 2024 said...

Congrats, Fave!
I know you will excel in your retirement just as you have in your career and family life. I am very proud of you!
God bless you!
Auntie Rik

Wallace U Bell said...

Congratulation Wayne....Welcome to the retirement world. I only have two years of experience but have learned a lot. Enjoy yourself. If you wake some days and decide to do nothing, don’t feel guilty. You have paid your dues.

BellGram 2024 said...

A special blessing to my son-in-law for his retirement.
I thank God for you, for placing you in ours lives.

I thank God for all that you've been, all you are now and all you're going to be.
You have been a blessing for as long as I've known you and that's been a lot of years.

I met you the first day my daughter started college, at Glassboro State. You helped to carry her luggage in. That was our blessing from God.
I thank God for you and all you've been to my family.

I hope you have a blessed life and I love you dearly.

Ms. Hunter

BellGram 2024 said...

Congratulations, Wayne on your Retirement.
May God continue to bless you and keep you safe.
Aunt Jean

BellGram 2024 said...

Wayne Odd is retiring! You are too young to retire nephew!!
If anyone deserves it, it's you. You have tirelessly worked for your family over the years. It's now time to kick back and enjoy a bit of life. Wait- do you know how to do that??
Retta, get your honey do list ready 😊
Auntie Charisse

Wayne said...

Thank you Uncle Wayne.
Thank you for the Well wishes.


I'm in 2nd formal retirement day.
I'm taking up cooking. (Eek)
See hire the ladies like it.

Gots a list of Things to get done around the house.

Is there a Class on Relaxing?? Ha-ha..
I'll learn... (Thumbs up)

Take Care.

Wayne said...

Greetings Auntie Rikki,
Thanks for your kind words.

I've got so-ooo many things I'd like to do
but there's this things 'out there' I'm trying to avoid. (Smile)

Prayerfully by end of year things will improve.
Lo's got ideas too so I'll have to manage our projects. (Smile)

Stay Well.
Stay Blessed.
Love Yo Favoritest.

Rain said...

Congratulations on your retirement! Your Uncle D says for your
to take naps and you can party later. We wish you love, good health,
happiness and most important of God's blessings!

Auntie Rain & Uncle D

Wayne said...

Greetings! Uncle Wallace,
Did ya find a book on how this Retirement thing works?
How to Prioritize Transition, Relaxation, my projects, Honey dos, and new endeavors.
I'm praying it works out well. (Praying hands)

Wow!! To just wake up and do nothing??

My body may go into shock with that.

Seems like I've always got something That needs to be done.

That may be a while to cover the Honey do's.
Why they call it that?? We're sweet by doing 'it' the things that need to be done?

Thanks again.

Stay Blessed.

Wayne said...

Greetings Auntie Jean,

Thank you for your Well wishes.

There's One things you won't have to worry about.
I'm quarantined in-place.
I was in the Host the first ninety days like a 'Canary in the mine'.

I'm pretty much Sheltered In-Place leaving the house
only for necessities. (Smile)
In n Out, Popeyes, Taco Bell, KFC, Domino's. Ha-ha...

Ok. I'll start cooking. (Hand-claps)

You too Stay Well.
Stay Blessed.

Wayne said...

Greetings Auntie Charisse,

Why Thank you for your kindness. I know I look 40. (Smile)

I figured I'd like to actually enjoy life without the dramas at work.
These are challenging times and I'm not sure if I'd be
able to maintain my calm around some of the "45ers" at the workplace.

They say something out of face and I'd be leaving under crazy circumstances.

This moment we're in, was a nice' break'. Actually felt like Pre-Retirement. (Smile).
I'll learn to adjust as you and Unc have.
Praise the Lord for this opportunity to retire and still keep the lights on. (Praying hands)

Take Care.
Stay Blessed.

Wayne said...

Greetings Auntie Lorraine and Uncle Domingo,

Take Naps?!? What?!?
In the middle of the day??

Is that one of the Law of Retirement?!?
I was asking if anyone has a book on how this works.

The Only Common 'Law' of Retirement I've heard was Get the Honey Do's Done. Hmmm?
Or is that a "Policy"? (Chuckle)

Does that work for the Ladies also?? (Smile)

Thank you for your Well wishes.

Yes. Stay Healthy.

I'm trying to get out each morning for my run.
Complete a task on my list
And ponder Where do I go from here??

I'm Praying God grants me good health to see several more decades
and experience some of the things I've desired.
Okay after this COVID-19 has been eradicated. (Thumbs up)

Take Care.
Stay Blessed.
Much Love to yas. L & D

Wayne said...

Hey mom,
Yeah... then and now, it's continued to be my pleasure and honor.
I've lifted MANY of bags since and I've learned over the years which ones to leave behind. (Smile)

You are a great mom to have and I'm indebted to the kindness and Love you impart on me.
Through God's Grace and Favor I've attempted to be the son, and husband to your daughter that God has called me to be.
I'm humbled by your Love.

Love You Much!! Mom.
Thank you for Your Trust in me.

You gave me the Seal if Aporoval for your Siblings... I guess (smile)...

The Whole Bell Family has shown me Love and welcomed me into the Family since I first met them at Family Re-Union at Mr. Union Bell's home in Mt. Sinai.
I've been Blessed over these past 42 years. I've been Blessed by the Bell Family (Hunter, Pitts, Williams, Kendrick, Perry)
The Bells have embraced me and allowed me into your lives.

From 1978 First Contact to
1980 Visit w/Uncle Wallace & Auntie Charisse accepting me to visit in San Pedro and giving me the keys to their Blue Ford Ecoline Van to tour LA for the First time with no Google Maps e-Ven (Smile).
"What a Trusting couple", I says to myself.

1982-83 Auntie Glen (and the late JP) who Invited me into their Baytown home with lil Roderick and Nikka 'Poo'. Didn't know me from 'Adam'.

1985-'90 Visits with Auntie Jean (and the late Uncle Chris).
They'd let us visit with our 4-legged Pinkee in-tow.
We'd crash in their remodeled garage space and back room.
They continued to do so as our family grew. We were so thankful being a broke You Family at the time (smile).

Auntie Jean you gave us freedom to come in and out touring LA, Venice and Beverly Hills.

We've Enjoyed The Family Re-Unions organized by the Balinton and Bell Families where I learned all about The FAMILY.

We've had some Great times along this Life's journey.
Looking for many more Ahead!!!

Love To All.
I Pray We will All meet once again after we forge through these Challenging Times.

May All Be Blessed!! In Jesus Name. Amen.

Maintain Social Distancing.

But DO. Register & GET OUT TO V-O-T-E !!

Ursula, Veronica, Nikka, Rodney, Reg, Phillip, Hank, Roderick, TT, Carlton, Ish, Isaiah, lil' Reg, Alexis

I Pray you and All of your Social Contacts Exercise Your Civic Duty to VOTE.
Absentee Voting Is an Option. No Excuses.
Your VOICE Must be heard!
Love ya.

BellGram 2024 said...

With Loretta by your side, I know you will do just fine.
I must take another opportunity to thank you guys for being their for us during our most difficult year, so far. That was the Roseville Radiation Clinic, Kaiser North, Kaiser Vallejo and Kaiser Vacaville 2013 Tour. Your prayers and support will never be forgotten. God bless you and family, always.
Uncle Wayne, Auntie Rik & Nickster

Wayne said...

Greetings Auntie Rikki,

You're Quite Welcome for our Support during Nick's journey.

He was a Blessing to us for how he handled the trial
with Much Faith and Humor. He's a fighter!

We wouldn't hesitate to support.

Forgive my oversight in my previous list of the young crew.
The Nickster has a good following of friends.
We also challenge him to rally his social network to ensure
they are Registered to VOTE and to get out to VOTE!!

If Voting Absentee Ballot? Mail in Early to be Counted.

Okay.... off that 'train'... (smile)

Stay safe!
Stay Blessed!

Maintain Social Distance.
Wash hands Often.

Love Yo Favoritest and Family.

BellGram 2024 said...

You're right.
I will get Nickster on the job.
Stay safe Fave & Fam.