Saturday, September 19, 2020

Celebrating Ursula!


Ursula: Today was my last official day at CMS. I'll start working at the board of education on Monday. Surprise move. Looking forward to new challenges but definitely a bittersweet day at CMS. I really enjoyed working there with staff and students!

Good morning,

It is with a heavy heart that I announce that we are losing our fabulous, charismatic, empathetic, and all around super star - Ms. Pitts to 599 Roosevelt Avenue!  She will be moving to the board office and I know that each of us will miss her terribly.  Ursula is truly one of the best!  We will miss her kind heart, loving smile and swift kick whenever attendance was not sent promptly!  She was always present at our basketball games, wrestling matches and track meets, cheering on our students and preventing any unwanted nonsense in the stands.   She was also present at every night event keeping out kids in line and giving them the love they deserved!  She was the last to leave every night and a voice of reason and support for both staff and students.  Please know that she is just a phone call away and her home will always be with her Carteret Middle School family!

Thank you,

Tara Romero
Carteret Middle School


BellGram 2024 said...

Congratulations Ursula.
May your blessings continue to flow and may God continue to Bless your steps. You deserve it all.
Aunt Jean

BellGram 2024 said...

Congratulations, Ursula.
So proud of you and so happy for the Board of Education. They will be blessed to have you. All the best.
Love, Rikki