Thursday, March 4, 2021

Happy Anniversary Reggie & Annette!



BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Anniversary Reggie & Annette.
I pray you will have a beautiful day and stay blessed.
Love, Aunt Rikki

Wallace U Bell said...

Happy anniversary Reggie and Annette. May you be blessed with many more happy and healthy years.
Uncle Wallace

Loretta and Wayne said...

Happy 27th Anniversary!! Annette and Reggie!!

This is a Huge Milestone!!

Ya know ONLY God's Grace makes it all possible.
We know it took a lot to hit this mark.
A Great Testimony of Unconditional LOVE.

We continue to Pray for Marriages especially in this time of Isolation, living in our' bubbles, and Staying home.

Way to go!!! To God be Thy Glory!!

Stay safe!
Stay Blessed in God's Love.
Loretta and Wayne.

Rain said...

Happy Anniversary Reggie and Annette,
May God continue to bless you both with
love and happiness for years to come.
Uncle D & Auntie Rain