Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Celebrating Isaiah!

Idamiz & Isaiah

Ishmael with Isaiah

Alijah, Marty Murray. He was Isaiah's b-ball Coach since he was five years old and like an uncle/dad. 
 Raheem & Ishmael

Billie with Isaiah

Isaiah with his friend David (Raheem's brother) & family

Raheem & Isaiah (His best friend)

Roni with Isaiah

Whitney with Isaiah

Raheem & Billie


Alijah, Isaiah & Ishmael

Raheem & Isaiah

Isaiah, Ursula


Idamiz & Isaiah

Isaiah & his Grandma

 Roni & Isaiah



BellGram 2024 said...

Congratulations, again!
We are so proud of you and love you lots!
God bless you!
Nay Nay, Uncle Wayne & Nick

Glenidell said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Isaiah!!!! How amazing that you followed your dream and today, we get to witness it's fruition. May God continue to bless you, shine His face upon you, giving peace and protection - in Jesus name. Forever in my prayers. Much love.

BellGram 2024 said...

Congratulations Isaiah! Dreams really do come true! You are a role model to all the youngsters out there to stay the course and go after the desires of your heart ❤
God bless!
Love you
Aunt Charisse

Jillian said...
