Friday, June 4, 2021

June Gardens!

Jean: Green beans from Ricky's garden.

south side Mandevilla

Rikki's Dipladenia

Rikki's 1st harvest - roasted zucchini

Above items from Rikki's garden (swiss chard)


Charisse's roses



Above pics are from Rick's garden (tomatoes)
Rik & Wayne's zucchinis

Photographed by Wallace - Charisse's Magnolia 

Charisse's Dipladenia

Charisse's Maidenhair Fern & Coleus


BellGram 2024 said...

What a great job you're doing with your gardening, Rick. You make me want to be a better farmer. :)
Aunt Renee

BellGram 2024 said...

Rick your garden is beautiful! Thanks for the tomato, it was delicious.
Collina yours is pretty too. I bet the squash was yum!