Friday, September 10, 2021

September Random Pics!



Tommie, Thomas, Jean, Hank, Ursula, Carl, Rikki, Roni, Loretta, Rodney, TT held by Glen, & Rick

Billie & Jean

Cecily, Wallace & Nick

Reggie, Brutus, Rodney

Rikki, Vata & Mattie @ Jean's


Mattie, Glen & Bernadette

Mattie & Glen

James, Dad, Kenan

Glen, Las & Rikki

Eleze Birch Bell (Mama's sister)

Daddy's, Uncle Willie T's and Uncle Anthony's Grands:
Cheyenne (WT), Candice(WT), Asad(A), Lauren(WT), Nick, Aaliyah, Trey, Wynton, and Laryssa (Daddy's), Anthony(A) & Ayinde(WT)
Great grand & great great grandchildren of Tom Bell, Sr. 

Carl & Loretta

Carl and daughters, Alex & Candice

Gettin settled for the Flight NJ-Philadelphia-Chicago to Sacramento.  Loving it!! 👍🏾 3:20pm

My Long-time Mentor, "Dad", and Trucking Friend Clarence stopped by to see us at Mattie's.
We were Truly Blessed to be able to see Mom Mattie..
Above pics: Wayne and Loretta on Way home to Cali from Month visit with Mom.

Candice, Billie & Alex (dinner with granddaughters)

Shelia, Nicole, Lauren, Sandra, Ayinde, Cedric, Phillip Jr, & Phillip

Uncle Porter's children: Florine, Henry, Don, Porter, Larry, Louis, Clarence, Billy, Lorraine & Rodney
Above 4 pics shared by Wallace

Uncle Tom with Naught, Brut and Sue
Happy Birthday to Uncle Tom - Sept 27th

Roderick & Mindy

1 comment:

BellGram 2024 said...

Love those gardens and random pictures.