Thursday, November 11, 2021

Happy Veterans Day!

Lasker Bell, Jr.
Wayne Holyfield 
Wayne Odd, Jr.
Whalyn Bell
Candice Coleman

Other generations in our family who have served:

Lonnie Bell, Sr.
Plumer Bell, Sr.

John Almer Bell "Jelly"

 Tommie Bell, Jr.

Anthony J. Bell
Willie T. Bell

Lasker Bell, Sr.

Alvin Gordon, Jr.

                                                         Jack Larry Bell
                                                        Tommie Bell III
                                                          Jesse Lee Bell
                                                           William Bell
                                                             Maya Bell

Lonnie Bell, Sr served in World War I.  I'm not sure of all the places he went, but know that his ship went to France. He played the bugle which was a stand out position in his military company.

Plumer Bell, Sr served in World War I and was stationed at Camp Grant, IL.


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Veterans Day!
We appreciate your service to our country..

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Veterans Day!
Thank you all for your service.

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Veteran's Day!!
Thank you for your service!!