Saturday, April 30, 2022

Bell Chapel CME Church - May 1, 2022!

1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 859 2647 5628#


Pass Code: 633057# 

Link and Code for Zoom Video Access:

Meeting ID: 859 2647 5628 
Pass Code: 633057# 


Rev. Eloise Knox, Pastor

Communion Sunday

Sunday, May 1, 2022

1397 Palou Ave., San Francisco, CA 94124

Praise & Worship

How Great Is Our God by Benita Jones

God Is by Donald Lawrence

(We do not own the rights to this music)

Call to Worship ___________________________Rev. Eloise Knox

Invocation of Praise _________________________________ Rev. Yolanda Jackson

Scripture_________________(John 6:53-58)________________Rev. Yolanda Jackson

Music Ministry:_________At the Cross by Brotha Rollins____________Musician

Giving Ministry____________________________Stewards

Acknowledgments of Visitors/ Announcements _____ Dominique Springfield

Music Ministry:__________Hallelujah /Thank you Jesus___________Musician

Pastoral Prayer_____________________________ Rev. Eloise Knox

Music Ministry:_________My Soul is Anchored by Douglas Miller___________Musician

Sermon ________________________Pastor Eloise Knox

The Blood Will Never Lose it’s Power by Metropolitan Baptist Church

Invitation to Discipleship/ Altar Call_____________________Pastor Knox

Holy Communion

Benediction______________________________Rev. Yolanda Jackson

Worship Service Announcements:

San Francisco District Women Missionary Society, Fine Arts Festival Saturday May 7, 2022, 11:00AM-1:00PM. Via Zoom: Zoom Information 747-257-8098

Bell Chapel CME Church will be holding its Missionary Annual Day Program on May

15, 2002, at 11:00AM.

The Northern California Region (NCR) “Christian Fellowship Convention!” will be held

Saturday, May 21, 2022, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The address for the event is Middle

Harbor Lakeshore Park, 2777 Middle Harbor Road, Oakland, California.

Registration is FREE - Please register to determine the number of attendees and age


Join Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service) and (Wednesday Night, Prayer & Bible Study):

Zoom Link:

Zoom Meeting ID: 859 2647 5628 Pass Code: 633057 One tap mobile

+16699006833,,85926475628#,,,,,,0#,,633057# US (San

Jose)+12532158782,,85926475628#,,,,,,0#,,633057# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1

669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 859 2647 5628 Pass Code: 633057#

SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:00-10:45am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:00pm (PT)

MONDAY – FRIDAY: CME Church Connectional Prayer Conference Call, 6:20 AM (PT)

Dial-In: (605) 468-8885, Access Code 616984#

TUESDAYS: Bell Chapel, Intercessory Prayer Call, 5:30 AM (PT) Dial-In: (267) 807-9605, Access Code: 851686#

WEDNESDAY: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study,

Zoom Link: Pass Code: 633057

Dial-In by phone+16699006833,,85926475628#,,,,,,0#,,633057#

Will Resume at 6:45 pm, Wednesday, March 16, 2022, The Book of I & II Kings Thru the Bible in One Year, book by Dr. Allan B. Stringfellow, See Sister Lakessa Williams to obtain a Book.

Bell Chapel Ministry to Men Support Meeting, 2:00 PM (PT) All Are Welcome

Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 867 2172 3331

Telephone Dial-In: (669) 900-6833, Code #86721723331

May Birthdays:

Ester Armstrong 24-May Deloris Patton 31-May

Marsean Robinson 24-May Lakessa Williams 25-May

Dominique Springfield 28-May Kaniyah Matthews 18-May

Sick & Shut-in

Bro. Charles Puckett Bro. Sidney Bell Bro. Mace Gouldsby, Jr.

Sis. Dora Bell-Fields Bro. Aaron Tolliver Bro. Cedric Bell

Sis Jacqueline Coleman Sis. Ursula Pitts Bro. DaShaun Frelot

Bro. Wilson Turner Bro. Sterling Lewis

Senior Saints

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron & Ernestine Doss Mrs. Marie Taylor Mrs. Bea Goode

Stay Safe! Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands & Practice Social 6 Ft Distancing

Prayer Focus: We are praying for people to cooperate and get the Vaccine to bring an end to the COVID-19 Virus in our nation, and around the world.

(Scripture Focus: Matthew 18:18)

Pray for the Government: COVID-19 Patients: Bereaved families: Inactive Members: Bishop Paul A. G. Stewart & First Lady Mrs. Earline Stewart

Mrs. Jacqueline Best; Presiding Elder & Pastor Rev. Eloise Knox

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