Sunday, July 31, 2022

Happy Anniversary, Charisse & Wallace!


Wallace's breakfast in bed!


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy 40th wedding anniversary.
Hope your lives will continue to be happy and blessed ones.
I love you both.
Sister, Mattie

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Anniversary Charisse & Wallace.
I pray you both continue to let God use you to bless others. Wishing you His continued favor. Enjoy your day!
Love you,

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Anniversary, Wallace and Charisse.
May God continue to bless your Union and your Family.
May you have many more years of health and happiness.
Always, Jean

BellGram 2024 said...

Dear Family,

Thanks for all of the beautiful well wishes for our anniversary celebration. Mattie, Jean and Collina thank you for the notes and love on the gram!!
Mattie and Collina thank you for our beautiful cards🥰 the sentiments shared and selection was just special, gave us a lot to be thankful for. God is good!!! Collina thanks for the gift too. Now I can get more smell good bubbles for our new bathroom😊Finally to Domingo and Lorraine- what an unexpected SURPRISE!! The gift was fabulous and so special but the Anniversary Prayer card I have read over and over!! Thanks to you all, so very much for your thoughtfulness🥰🥰
Love you all

Charisse and Wallace