Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Happy Birthday, Glen!


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Glen.
I hope your Day is perfect. You are a blessing to us.
What a difference a year make. Thank God for our CIRCLE.

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Glen.
Enjoy your day and everyday.
When I say "You took my row", not just literally. Always standing by to take yours. Anytime.
Love you,
Rikki Shay/Snake Hip :)

BellGram 2024 said...


Poem for Glen:
Glen went to the bank
to get her some money for stage planks.
They taste so good that she ate them all
then she said I’ll give my doctor a call.
He gave her medicine and she swallowed it down
then back to the store for another round.

Happy birthday Glen


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Ms Glen.
I know your party was a blessed one. Praying your birthday is a blessing also.
Love your sister, Mattie

Glenidell said...

Oh, Mr. Bell has poetic jokes. Alrighty then. Let's see how well this works for you next month.

Glenidell said...

TO MY AMAZING FAMILY: Again, thanks to Jill & Charisse, Jean for the pre-birthday call & BG shout-out. Thanks to Sissy, Wallace,Sharon & Kendall, the Odds, Louvata, Phillip, Rodney & Lynette, Mattie & Belinda. Thanks so much for the cards and gifts from Anika, Donovan, Rod & Mndy, Rikki, Wayne, Nick, Ursula & Veronica, Lorraine & Domingo. Your love and effort made my whole year -- and I am TRULY GRATEFUL. May GOD continue to bless, protect and provide for you and yours - in Jesus name. I love you dearly.

Glenidell said...

And the white jacket I have on at bottom of post was gifted to me by Mattie Hunter one year I was visiting
NJ. Thanks, again, Mattie Mae!!!