Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Celebrating The Unveiling of Lasker Bell Sr Street! - November 19, 2022!

 https://photos.app.goo.gl/cUH4q198CtuL1UJQ8 (video 1)

Above videos sent by Takako. Click on each link to see the program. 
Below are pics I took from Cousin Sandra's FB after being messaged and tagged.  

Grandchildren of Lasker Bell Sr unveiling the street sign. Takako, Kimberly, Summer, Whalyn
Toya and Candice.   https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMrTQp560qtFjhz5NrTfJ1BRlz437E2Acq6og4Oop5ssRS6DHtK0-Xn0SwLjZgyAg/photo/AF1QipPge2fK0Pd3JRNo8x_p6CJb0R9SSB_yyBel06-8? key=VXVjWmRTd3VKLUVGZl9xVWQxcHBOMEJFREJjaW5B (Unveiling video)

James, Belinda, Lasker Jr and Sharon with our cousins Sandra and sister. 

Below additional pics taken by friend of Jr's. :

https://photos.app.goo.gl/J1dxZXK9fYuEq2CH8 (video from Mike Pryor, son of former Arkansas Governor David Pryor)

1 comment:

BellGram 2024 said...

Watching the videos was bittersweet. So much pride and yet the pain of missing him. Thanks for all you did to make this happen. I know he would would be proud of his accomplishment and I feel he is extra proud of his wonderful family. God bless you all. Love you much.
Aunt Rikki