Friday, February 3, 2023

February Sharing!

"Sometimes we make choices in life, and sometimes choices make us."
Gayle Forman 

"We interpret what we see in light of what we believe."
Oswald Chambers

"You can never be betrayed by a stranger. It must be someone close to you!"

(above quotes from Wallace)

"If you can't fly then run,
ify you can't run then walk,
if you can't walk then crawl,
but whatever you do you have 
to keep moving forward."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On our last day of Black History month this year. 

(above from Billie) (good link - even if you've already received tests in the past) (good link for nutrition questions)

Black History Links from National Archives

List of the 50 Greatest Books by Benjamin McElvoy (Classic Literature)

Authors and titles: 
1. Proust, Marcel – In Search of Lost Time 
2. Joyce, James - Ulysses 
3. Cervantes, Miguel de – Don Quixote 
4. García Márquez, Gabriel – One Hundred Years of Solitude 
5. Fitzgerald, F. Scott – The Great Gatsby 
6. Melville, Herman – Moby Dick 
7. Tolstoy, Leo – War and Peace 
8. Shakespeare, William - Hamlet 
9. Homer - The Odyssey 
10. Flaubert, Gustave – Madame Bovary 
11. Alighieri, Dante – The Divine Comedy 
12. Nabokov, Vladimir - Lolita 
13. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor – The Brothers Karamazov 
14. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor – Crime and Punishment 
15. Bronte, Emily – Wuthering Heights 
16. Salinger, J. D. – The Catcher in the Rye 
17. Austen, Jane – Pride and Prejudice 
18. Twain, Mark – The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
19. Tolstoy, Leo – Anna Karenina 
20. Carroll, Lewis – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 
21. Homer – The Iliad 
22. Woolf, Virginia – To the Lighthouse 
23. Heller, Joseph – Catch-22 
24. Conrad, Joseph – Heart of Darkness 
25. Faulkner, William – The Sound and the Fury 
26. Orwell, George - 1984 
27. Dickens, Charles – Great Expectations 
28. India/Iran/Iraq/Egypt – One Thousand and One Nights 
29. Steinbeck, John – The Grapes of Wrath 
30. Faulkner, William – Absalom, Absalom! 
31. Ellison, Ralph – Invisible Man 
32. Lee, Harper – To Kill a Mockingbird 
33. Kafka, Franz – The Trial 
34. Stendhal – The Red and the Black 
35. Eliot, George – Middlemarch 
36. Swift, Jonathan – Gulliver’s Travels 
37. Morrison, Toni - Beloved 
38. Woolf, Virginia – Mrs. Dalloway 
39. Chekhov, Anton – The Stories of Anton Chekhov 
40. Camus, Albert - The Stranger 
41. Bronte, Charlotte – Jane Eyre 
42. Virgil – The Aeneid 
43. Borges, Jorge Luis – Collected Fiction 
44. Hemmingway, Ernest – The Sun Also Rises 
45. Dickens, Charles – David Copperfield 
46. Sterne, Laurence - Tristram Shandy 
47. Whitman, Walt – Leaves of Grass 
48. Mann, Thomas – The Magic Mountain 
49. Joyce, James – A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 
50. Rushdie, Salmon – Midnight’s Children 


Sharing Family Links Below (Use this link when shopping on Amazon to support Restored By His Grace 

(Above link from Charisse) 

Here is the website  
Here is a 20% OFF code, specifically for the Bell Family.

Promo Code: BELLFAM

100% all-natural soy wax candles hand poured into 100% recycled glass. 8 total scents available in 2 sizes: 10 oz. and 4.4 oz

Please share the link with any candle lovers in your extended families also.
Thanks! Kenan
(Kenan's Link Above) (Cash back on practically every online purchase) (Referral for The Grove) 

Below: This is the app I use to turn all my receipts into gift cards. It’s called Fetch. It’s free and super easy to use. 

Sign up with my referral code (89TVV) and get 2,000 points for your first receipt. Download the app here to get started:

This app I accumulate points just by clicking on emails and obtain gift cards. I

(Rikki's Links Above)

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