Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Happy Birthday, Vata!

Link to 2022 BD and Beyond




BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Vata!
I hope and pray that your special day is all you can hope for. Keep the celebration going.
Love you, Rik, Wayne, Nick and Beau :)

Wallace U Bell said...

Happy birthday Nute. It seems that someone could have found a better nickname for you than Nute but this is what you have. Hopefully you will have a blessed and happy day today.
Love, Wallace

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday Vata.
Thinking of you today and wishing you all the Best and many years of a happy and healthy Life.

Loretta n Wayne said...

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Auntie Lou!
Happy Birthday to Youuuu!!!

Much Love to you.

Praying you had a Relaxing Day!

Glad we got a chance to sing you a Pre-birthday wish lastnight.
cause Lo went to Grand mom in the bay…


Charisse said...

Happy Birthday Lou Vata. Praying your day and the coming year are all you wished for and more. As Wallace would said, " look at you girl at 80, you're looking good!"
Love you

Charisse said...

This is so nice. All of the pictures are beautiful😘