Monday, July 31, 2023

Happy Anniversary Wallace & Charisse!



BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Anniversary Wallace & Charisse,
I pray your special day is extra special and God continue to bless you.
Love, Renee

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Anniversary Charisse and Wallace.
I hope you enjoy this one and many, many more. May God bless your Union for many Days to come.

Phillip Bell said...

Happy Anniversary Wallace and Charisse. You have been truly blessed to have each other in your lives for such a long time. Wallace Keep up the good work and always remember these words that I told you "Yes Dear, Whatever You Say Honey, You are always Right Dear and l Love You Baby.

Glenidell said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, you two! What a milestone! May God continue to bless, guide, protect and provide. ❤️

Wallace U Bell said...

Thanks you family for you kind words, cards and even some loot in the mail. You helped make our celebration great. We celebrated for five days and I need a nap.

Charisse said...

Thank you Collina, Jean, Glen and Phillip for your blessings and kind words. Thanks Collina and Wayne for our gift and Mattie for our beautiful card! The words were so touching. Rain, in 41 years your card has been the first we receive. If I'm not mistaken, you've never missed a year! Thank you for remembering us. We love you all❤️