Saturday, September 2, 2023

September Random Pics!

Phillip & Wallace


Above pics from Cheyenne Bell Golf Banquet and Bell Chapel (thanks Charisse and Wallace)

Anthony, Tariq, Kadijah, Fatima & Asad

Chris & Lorraine

Glen, Anika & Tommie

Mary Alice

Lorraine, Kadija & Shelia

Korey & Anthony

Tommie, Anika & Jackie Bell

Asad, Jahan & Jessica

Khadijah, Fatima, Charisse & Phillip



Phillip, Lauren, Fame, Shelia, Kadijah, Jackie, Chris, Raymond, Wayne, Jamir, Glen, Rikki, Charisse, Anika,  , Fatima, Anthony, Quincy, Jahan, Korey, Asad, Charlie, Jessica, Mary Alice, Lynette & Heaven, Wallace, Mattie, Rodney, Lorraine, friend of the Lewises, Domingo

Above pics from Bell Family Labor Day gathering at Phillip's

Alex, Rhonda, Charisse & Wallace 
Below: Pics from the east coast

Odd Family @ Lyndsey's weddig

Wynton, Ashley, Wayne O, Olivia, Laryssa, Loretta, Ursula, Ishmael, Trey & Macellina

Macellina, Loretta, Olivia & Roni

With Reggie in NY

Olivia & her great grandmother

Wayne O & Loretta

Wynton, Laryssa & Trey

Wayne O & Loretta

Macellina, Olivia & Trey

Leo :)



Charisse said...

Nice pictures! I was about to say, who is the pretty lady with the white hair. That's my Mattie Maeve 😘

BellGram 2024 said...

Thanks to all who shared; Wallace, Charisse, Wayne O, Lorraine & Domingo.
Another month full of ups and downs, but God and family made the difference.
Blessings, Rikki

BellGram 2024 said...

Love the Family pictures. Even Leo made the cut. And the Oscar goes to: Mattie and her Greatgrand daughter, Olivia. Love It.