Saturday, November 25, 2023

Bell Chapel Service! November 26, 2023!

Info for Phoning in:

1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059#


Pass Code: 633057# 

Link and Code for Zoom Video Access: 9548 3059

Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059 

Pass Code: 633057# 

Bell Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 
November 26, 2023 
1397 Palou Avenue, San Francisco, CA. 94124 
Phone: (415) 822-7044 Email: 
Rev. Eloise Knox, Pastor

Dr. Reginald Walton 
Presiding Elder, San Francisco District

Bishop Charley Hames Jr. 
Presiding Prelate Ninth Episcopal District

“We Walk by Faith, Not By Sight” (II Corinthians 5:7)

Order of Worship Service

Call to Worship _______________________________ Rev. Yolanda Jackson

Invocation of Praise _______________________________ Minister

Scripture _________(Genesis 4:1-10)_________ Minister

Hymn of Praise _______________________________ #27 Blessed Assurance

The Modern Creed _______________________________ Minister

Praise & Worship

Giving Ministry _______________________________ Stewards

Acknowledgement of Visitors/ ______________________________ Sis. Dominique Springfield


Music Ministry _______________________________ Musician

Pastoral Prayer _______________________________ Pastor Eloise Knox

Music Ministry _______________________________ Musician

Sermon _______________________________ Pastor Eloise Knox

Invitation to Discipleship/ _______________________________ Minister

Altar Call

Doxology/Benediction _______________________________ Pastor Eloise Knox

Weekly Worship Announcements:

Mid -Winter Council Meeting is December 2, 2023, from 9:00am-1:00pm at Amos Temple, 1500 90th Ave., Oakland, CA. Registration is $50.00.

Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service) and Wednesday Night (Bible Study ):

New Zoom Link: 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057, Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:30am- 10:30am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:30pm (PT)

MONDAY – FRIDAY: CME Church Connectional Prayer Conference Call, 6:20-7:00AM (PT Dial-In: (605) 468-8885, Access Code 616984#

TUESDAYS: Bell Chapel, Intercessory Prayer Call, 5:30- 6:00AM (PT)

Dial-In: (267) 807-9605, Access Code: 851686#

Wednesday: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, Zoom Link: 983 9548 3059 Passcode:633057 Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#

Bell Chapel Fasting Day 6:00am – 6:00pm. Purpose: to unite as one, spiritually, physically and mentally to do the works of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:10A, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.”

Wednesday Night: Rick Warren Bible Study, Methods, Page 133, Chapter 7: The Word Study Method of Bible Study, 6:00- 7:30pm. Sis. Twila Brown, Instructor.

Bell Chapel Ministry to Men Support Meeting, 2:00 PM (PT) All Are Welcome

Zoom Meeting:

Telephone Dial-In: (669) 900-6833, Code #86721723331

November Birthday’s:

Serena Angel Nov. 4 Amaury Robinson Nov. 4 Sis. Sandra Springfield Nov. 6

Joshua Jackson Nov. 4 Jerry Robinson Nov. 7 Marie Benson Nov. 14 Rev. Eloise Knox Nov. 15 Renardo Springfield, Sr. Nov. 11

Sick & Shut-in

Bro. Charles Puckett Bro. Cedric Bell Sis. Dora Bell-Fields

Bro. Aaron Tolliver Bro. DaShaun Frelot Sis Opal Mc Coy

Bro. Wilson Turner Bro. Fred Turner Rev. Gino Gazarelli

Senior Super Saints

Mrs. Ernestine Doss Mrs. Marie Taylor Mrs. Bea Goode

Stay Safe! Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands & Practice Social Distancing

Those who have not been vaccinated please wear a mask while in the church building to protect our Seniors and those with compromised immune systems.

(Scripture Focus: Matthew 18:18)

Prayers: Pray for the Government: COVID-19 Patients: Bereaved families: Inactive Members: Bishop Charley Hames, Jr, Lady Michelle Gaskill Hames. Presiding Elder. Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton Lady Dominique Walton, Pastor Eloise Knox

Christian Methodist Episcopal Church: Quadrennial Theme 2022-2026


Next- Level Ninth Episcopal District Mission & Vision: Reaching beyond where we are to where you belong! The Scripture; II Corinthians 10:3-5 & 14

Giving Ministry: Tithes, Offerings, Apportionment Fund, Donations

U. S. Mail: Bell Chapel CME Church, 1397 Palou Ave, S. F., CA 94124 Givelify: Bell Chapel CME Church Zelle:

Bell Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

1397 Palou Avenue • San Francisco, CA 94124 Email: • Telephone (415) 822-7044

The Modern Creed:

The Minister: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is one true church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith, let us now declare:

We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will, is ever directed to his children's good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father's unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! 2023!

Jean and family's early Thanksgiving gathering
Rick, Kamasi, Hank, Jean, Jaivon & Micah

Glen, Donovan, Wayne, Rodney, Anika, Roderick, Rikki & Nick



Urs, Diana & Isaiah

Aiden, Carl, Aniyah, Alijah, Angel, Ishmael & Isaiah


Jesse & Tommie

Diana with sisters and mom



Above pics shared by Ursula and Billie. Thanksgiving at Isaiah's
New Jersey 

Christina, Kenan, Wallace & Cecily

Above pics shared by Charisse