Monday, November 4, 2019

Remembering James!

James Rogers Bell 
Oct 14, 1950 - Nov 4, 1965


BellGram 2024 said...

It would be delightful to hear some of you guys' childhood memories of James. Not the sadness of his passing but the stories you were fond of that bring you joy. Just a thought.

BellGram 2024 said...

Thank you for that request, Charisse. I only have a couple of memories. I recall he and Wallace coming to visit Mama Shinet. Seems he and Wallace were eating a cookie and candy and they shared with me. Another time James came over riding his horse, Bangs. He took me for a short ride. When he left he was riding so fast that he turned too hard and they both fell by the gate. That's all I remember. :)

BellGram 2024 said...

Once James had gotten in trouble and knew he would get a "whipping" when Daddy returned home. (Do not remember what he had done.) Sure enough, Daddy called out for him as soon he was home. However -- James was prepared. He had put on a pair of overalls and stuffed them with more clothes. (Actually, this was an unusually less than smart move on James part.) Because -- needless to say, his punishment commenced without the benefit of any apparel - at all.

BellGram 2024 said...

Oh my gosh you guys. This is great! I am chuckling from both stories! Collina, did James horse have bangs? What a unique name for a horse.


BellGram 2024 said...

Yes. From what I recall he did have bangs. He was a beautiful horse.


BellGram 2024 said...

When James came to Woodson, people liked him, especially Ms. Presley. He was good on the piano and she was giving him lessons for a dollar an hour. I think they only lasted 30 minutes. He liked Marvin Gaye and gave me a dollar to order "Aint That Peculiar".


BellGram 2024 said...

I tried to think of something about James, but everything that I remember makes me sad so I respectfully ask to be exempt this time. :( Sorry!!!


BellGram 2024 said...

Although many years have passed, every year on this day I think of you. You will always be dear to my heart. Time will never change that.
Love you always..
