Thursday, December 31, 2020

January Birthdays & Dates To Remember!


Jan 1st - New Year's Day
Jan 2nd - Kyesi
Jan 5th - Jayden
Jan 6th - James R. & Serenity
Jan 14th - Alfreida
Jan 15th - Wayne & Loretta's 38th Anniversary
Jan 18th - Ursula, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Jan 19th - Melinda "Sissy", Korey
Jan 27th - Lorraine
Jan 28th - Jaivon

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!



Wallace: "Time to graze"  Christmas Eve

Below: Holyfield pics

Wayne's Christmas Chitlins - Then Nick asked me to fry some. :)

Christmas 2019 (old post)

Below: Odd Family Pics

Wayne, Santa and Ryssa Santa's Helper getting ready to deliver Packages to Neighbors

View of lights outside

View of lights inside

Family getting ready to partake in Christmas brunch

Photos of Santa's blessings

Spending Google Duo Time with Mattie on Christmas.
(See her on bottom right)

Random photos: 

Monday, December 21, 2020

December Sharing 2!

Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn! 12/21/2020 

Southern Cafe

Phillip R. Bell/ Managing Partner

Southern Cafe AT 2000 MacArthur
W.510.336.2013 / C. 510.708.2013

 Also go to CDC website:

Below from PG&E


Sell Clothes You Are Decluttering

Dogs Dying From Sportmix Dog Food (shared by Mattie and Wallace)