Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March Random Pics!

Wallace: "Look who's walking"



Alex & Aniyah

State Wrestling - Jersey City, NJ

On left is Dana, Jacob's mom. He won 3rd place!

Angel, Ursula, Jacob and Ishmael

Annette's sister, Michelle's bd party
2nd from left: Annette, 4th: Reggie, 5th: Blake, 6th: Alexus

Flora Mitchell - Mother of Grandpa Gent, Johnny, Clidie, Cleveland, Dave, Jeff, Jim, Flora, Jimmie, Ardella, Ula, Willie, Mamie

Glen dropped these lemons off for me today. No better lemons in the county. :)
Jackie at 11


Charisse, Wallace, Lorraine, Domingo

Billie, Vata, Jean, Mattie and Glen in TX

Jean, Hollie, Rikki and Mary (at my graduation) Jean came up with her friend, Eldora. It meant so much since I became a nurse because of her inspiration. Hollie was a patient while I was a student and she bacame my friend. Mary was my friend and she was already a nurse. 

Victor, Glen & Nick @ WWF Wrestling in Sacramento. 
Anika walked with us during Light The Night 2017


Rodney & Reggie

Toya and Belinda

Roni, Carl, Billie & Ursula

Rodney, Florine (holding Brittany, Rodney's goddaughter)
Cecily & Wallace
Glen, Rikki, Wallace, Lorraine, Mattie, Uncle Porter's Children: Henry, Larry, Billy Wayne, Loraine & Rodney
Phillip on left
Felicia, Zamora, Crystal, Francine, Louise, Helen, Precilla, Licci, Stephanie
Michele in the middle


BellGram 2024 said...

Looking good, Jean. :)
I love it!

BellGram 2024 said...

Love seeing your high school pic, Jean. You've just been beautiful all of your life. :)
Love, Renee

Unknown said...

Love random pics. Great job Unc. Aunt Jean u was a cutie but i would have been scared to play basketball aagainst u. U look like u r no joke. Lol