Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day! Remembering Those Who Gave All!

Dear Collina,

Memorial Day is dedicated to those who served our country in the military and paid the ultimate sacrifice. A sacrifice made for us.
Along with members of the armed services who gave their life to protect ours, we must also honor those who have served our country over the past couple months and lost their lives fighting COVID-19.
Memorial Day: Honoring Our Heroes

California Volunteers honors those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.
Memorial Day is also a special opportunity to remind ourselves, and teach the next generation, how much people are willing to give up to help and protect others.
Let us have the courage to live our lives as those we honor this weekend did—serving one another. We can honor lives lost by volunteering at a food bank, making a face cover for first responders, preparing a meal for someone impacted by COVID-19 or checking on someone who is alone and vulnerable in this unprecedented time. 
As a former Officer in the United States Navy and the current Chief Service Officer for the State of California, we honor with great humility and gratitude the sacrifices and service of those who protect us all. 

In Service,
Josh Fryday
Chief Service Officer

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