Sunday, July 5, 2020

St. Paul Baptist Church Sacramento: Baton Passing Ceremony (Shared by Wayne O)

St. Paul Baptist Church Sacramento: Baton Passing Ceremony


BellGram 2024 said...

Enjoyed watching the celebration of the passing of the baton from Pastor Williams, Wayne, Loretta, Trey, Wynton and Laryssa's long time beloved pastor. I enjoyed the visit to you all's church way back and also listening to Pastor Williams on 1190 AM. This program today had me emotional so I can only imagine the bitter sweetness of it to you all. Hugs and blessings to you all and your church family.
Love, Rikki

Wayne said...

To God Be Thy Glory!!
Yes! I've been attending since 1981 on first my visit to Sacramento while in the Air Force.

Then Loretta and I returned in 1985 after a "brief' stop in Houston Tx.

Pastor Williams has been our Pastor and Spiritual Father, Baptizing our Children, Teaching and Ministering to our families for greater than three decades.
Pastor Kenny Reece is a Son of St. Paul.
We Pray God will bless him and his Family mightily. In Jesus's Name We Pray. Amen.

Glad to share. Thank you Auntie!!

Stay Blessed.
Stay Safe.

Love ya Fam.

BellGram 2024 said...

I had the pleasure of visiting St Paul once. I remember how accommodating the membrs were to visitors, especially the ushers. Guess my RA was flared at the time because I really needed that seat. I also remember the message that day as inspirational. May God bless the Shepherd on his future Endeavors.