Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Happy Birthday, James!


Charisse: Denesha, Dallis, Kali and James today!!


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, James.
I pray your day is going well. Stay blessed.
Love, Aunt Renee

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, James.
I hope all is well and may your day be special and Happy New Year.
Aunt Jean

Wallace U Bell said...

Happy birthday James. I was thinking this morning how we think so much alike that we could complete each other’s sentences. I’m grateful to be your father and look forward to our conversations because I always learn something.
Hopefully you can enjoy your birthday with all of the things going on in our nation.
January 6 is also the feast of Epiphany which is 12 days after Christmas.

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday Son!

You know you've got swag!! Enjoy your day of rest. I know Denesha has the grapes, pineapple and sweet potatoes fresh chilled, serving you as King for the day.😊 Dallis and Kali entertaining you and ensuring you have everything you need!

May God continue to bless you with great health, protection and provision in all that you and your family need.

Love you,