Monday, April 19, 2021

Happy Birthday, Jean!


Jean celebrating her birthday early on Sunday with Rick, Wallace and Charisse!


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Jean.
I pray you spend today relaxing and doing you. May God continue to bless you.
Love you much!

melinda williams said...

Happy birthday, May God continue to bless you to see many more. Love Sissy

Loretta, Wayne and Family said...

Happy Birthday Auntie Jean!!!

Praise the Lord For Three Score
and 22!!

You look MARVelous!!!

Way to go!!

Stay Well.
Stay Blessed!

Love Ya Much!!

Wayne, Loretta and Family.

Wallace U Bell said...

Happy birthday ‘G’. May God continue to bless and keep you.
You say you are not that good with the new technology but that’s not true because on these photos you made my head look larger than yours!!!

Mattie said...

Happy birthday Ms Jean. Hope your day will b happy and blessed
Love you much your sister mattie

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy happy Birthday to you Jean.
I pray your day is full of everything good. That all your dreams come true! That God continues to watch over you and keep you. That you would have peace and a pain free day. Love you🥰

Short Stack

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday

Hope you are enjoying your special day! I love and appreciate you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and experiences! Wishing you a Healthy, Happy and Blessed!!


BellGram 2024 said...

Thanks to my family and friends for the Birthday wishes.
I had a special Day. Thanks Wallace, Rick and Charisse for the beautiful Luncheon, Birthday cake and beautiful Tulips. Leo was there too. Thanks for the special gifts from Rikki and 2 gifts from Mattie. I had a special wish from Roni. Thank You Roni. It meant so much. Thanks for the calls from Family members. Thanks Wayne and Loretta for the wishes. My Family is the best. Hope I didnt miss anyone. Just know I appreciate them all.
Jean (82)