Monday, May 31, 2021

June Birthdays!


Alijah - June 4th

Alexus, Kendall - June 5th

Aeneas - June 9th

Octavian - June 11th

Loretta - June 14th

Remembering Bozie - June 15th

Juneteenth - June 19th

Father's Day - June 20th

LouVata - June 28th

Celebrating Memorial Day!


A Time to Think

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. –Reverend Billy Graham, author and evangelist

A Time to Act

Remember all those who bravely gave their lives for their country.

A Time to Pray

Dear Lord, thank You for the dedicated men and women who serve in our armed forces. We pause in remembrance of those who have gone before them, often serving in harm's way to protect the liberties we enjoy today. (From Daily Scripture)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bell Chapel CME Church Service - May 30, 2021!


The following from From Wayne O: 

To hear Wallace 
Click on UNDERLINED LINK BELOW to join the service: 

On East Coast-
Sunday School 1pm
Service 2pm 

If it ASKS for 
Meeting ID: 
Tap in Blank Space for Phone Keyboard  -Type in 859 2647 5628 

Pass Code: 
Tap in Blank Space for Phone Keyboard  -Type in 633057

Friday, May 28, 2021

Celebrating Octavian! Ceremony May 28, 2021!

Octavian Fidel George Kilpatrick graduated on Friday, May 28th from Cypress Creek High School!

Octavian and his grandmothers

With his paternal grandfather

Octavian with his paternal grandmother

Akayla & Octavian with their dad

Octavian and his maternal grandmother, Delores
With his Uncle Josh

With his Aunt Mary

The Graduate!

Celebrating Zayvion! Ceremony May 26, 2021!


Zayvion graduated from Kindergarten at Legacy School

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Glen's Corner 🥀

                   Glen's   Corner 🥀  

Watch ""Unsung Hero" [ภาพยนตร์โฆษณา ปี พ.ศ.2557 ] [Official 
TVC 2014: Thai Life Insurance]" on YouTube

Matt. 22:39  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.