Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May Gardens!


Charisse's roses from last Mother's Day

Rikki's Mandevilla in May

Above pics of Ursula's Garden

Glen's plants {above}

Rikki's small snapdragon

Rikki's 2nd year Bougainvillia

Asiatic Lily

Flower box in May - mostly Petunias

Charisse's Collards

Charisse's Heirloom tomatoes

Rikki's purple cauliflower

Rikki's cabbage in May

Rikki's okra in May

Glen's Plants & flowers

Rikki's Climbing Aloe from Charisse and Jade from Glen

Rick's garden in May

Collards in the pot
Charisse's Collards - 2nd Harvest


BellGram 2024 said...

Everyone's gardens look great! Ursula is that a collard bush? How long have you had it. All of your flowers are lovely.

Collina your mandevilla looks so healthy. Is it on the north side of your house?


BellGram 2024 said...

Thank you. Yes, it is on the north side. I have 2 on the south side also. Thanks again for my climbing aloe. I wish I still had my aloe that Lorraine gave me. :(