Tuesday, May 4, 2021

May Random Pics!




Mattie & Vata

Carl & Billie - Mother's Day May 9, 2021

Glen With Mindy and Roderick and...

hanging out in Anika's backyard on Mother's Day

Fruit arrangement from Donovan for his Mother, Mom and Nay Nay

Maci, Wayne, Laryssa & Wynton

Wayne: Here’s Ms Loretta w/family on Mother’s Day.

Wynton’s Lady, Ashley. Trey, Maci, Ryssa and Wynt chillin’.

Lo’ watchin her chil’ens mingle.

Glen with Kamasi

Young Bells from 2018 Reunion (Daddy's Grands, Uncle Anthony's Grands and Uncle Willie T's Grands)

Rikki, Ursula and Raymond (son of Plummer Bell, Jr.)

Rikki, Glen & Lorraine


Billie, Ursula, Mattie, Tony, Glen, Vata & Jean

Tony & Daddy


Reggie & Phil

Mama's cousin, Mae Lee

Mama & her cousin, Odell

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