Tuesday, August 31, 2021

New Wine - Hillsong Worship

September Birthdays and Dates To Remember!


Anthony - 8th
Glen - 13th
Belinda - 17th
Sharon - 26th

Daddy  31 years 9/8
Las  5 years 9/12
Jackie 1 year 9/23

Happy Birthday, Angel!


Happy Birthday, Toya!


Monday, August 30, 2021

Asad & Family!

Alanda, Asad, Jessyca, & Jamie

Asad: Hey Fam,
Wanted to officially announce that Jess and I are expecting!
What you think? Boy or Girl!

Celebrating Angel! August 30, 2021!


Happy Birthday, Kali!

Kali with mermaid


Kali & Mimi

Kali with her Dad & Mom

August Outdoor Pics!


Roderick, Mindy, Glen & Dodye

at American River

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Bell Chapel CME Church - August 29, 2021!


Rev. Eloise Knox, Pastor

Sunday, August 29, 2021

(We do not own the rights to this music)

Women’s Missionary Society Sunday

Praise & Worship

Awesome by Charles Jenkins

Order of Service

Call to Worship…………………………..……….…..Sister Sandra Springfield

Invocation of Praise………………………………………………Sister Springfield

Scripture…………..… II Corinthians 12: 6-10 ……….……Sister Arlene Sharp

Music Ministry: Lead Me, Guide Me by Mark Elsenheimer

Giving Ministry……………………….…………………Stewards

Welcome Visitors/Announcements…………………….…. Sister Angela Harris

Pastoral Prayer………………………….………………Pastor Knox

Introduction of Speaker………………………………………. Sister Barbara Scott

Music Ministry: Have Thine Own Way by Lynda Randle

Missionary Message……………………………Sister Twila Brown

Invitation to Discipleship/ Altar Call………………….……...…Minister

Remarks………………………………… Sister Barbara Scott

Doxology/ Benediction ……………….…………… Pastor Knox


The San Francisco District Planning Meeting will be held on Saturday, September 4, 2021 at 9:30AM- 12:00PM. Zoom Meeting ID: 936 6162 4704 Passcode: 484131

Dial in: 16699006833; Meeting ID: 936 6162 4704 Passcode: 484131

Church Conference will be held Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021 at 10:00AM on Bell Chapel’s Recurring Zoom Link and Passcode. Meeting ID: 859 2647 5628 Pass Code: 633057#

On September 15, 2021 the Free Conference Call Number for Tuesday’s Dial-In will have changed. The new number is (267) 807-9605. Access Code will remain the same. Access: 851686#

Join Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service)

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85926475628?pwd=TW5sbWw2d2JtTGFIMmV2WVBVMUNLdz09

Meeting ID: 859 2647 5628

Pass Code: 633057

One tap mobile +16699006833,,85926475628#,,,,,,0#,,633057# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,85926475628#,,,,,,0#,,633057# US (Tacoma) Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 859 2647 5628 Pass Code: 633057#

Other Services:

Zoom: SUNDAY SCHOOL: 10:00-10:45am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:00pm (PT)

From Wayne O:

On East Coast-
Sunday School 1pm
Service 2pm 

If it ASKS for 
Meeting ID: 
Tap in Blank Space for Phone Keyboard Type in
859 2647 5628 

Pass Code: 
Tap in Blank Space for Phone Keyboard Type in 633057

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Celebrating International Dog Day!

Max Odd
Simba Pitts

Beau Holyfield
Leo Kendrick

Jessie Pitts

RJ Perry

Kayla & Kamryn George-Kilpatrick

Kimbo Balinton

Wallace: "I saw this on a wall in a movie last night:
                                           "A home without a dog is just a house."