Tuesday, October 5, 2021

October Gardens!


Italian Sage

Above pics from Lorraine's garden

3 pics above from Charisse: "My harvest today😊" 10/5/2021

End of summer flower box

Jade (from Glen)

New Guinea Impatiens - Billie suggested I separate it. I didn't get it done yet. :) 


Plants gifted from Charisse

Gerber Daisy (left) and Climbing Aloe (time to repot. Thanks, Charisse) 

Mixed succulents

I forgot what I planted here ??



BellGram 2024 said...

Love your garden, Rain. :)
Great collard harvest, Charisse. :)


BellGram 2024 said...

Lorraine your garden is gorgeous!! Where did you find those plant holders hanging on the fence?

Collina your plants are looking great as usual! I can't believe your clippings from my garden. They are huge and healthy! You guys have incredible gardening skills😊😉


BellGram 2024 said...

As always, I enjoyed the gardens. Does anyone have a big aloe vera plant? Or can I get one at Home Depot?
