"Just as I have loved you, so you must love one another. This is how all men will know that you are my disciples, because you have such love for one another.” John 13:35
Sunday, March 31, 2024
April Dates To Celebrate!
Resurrection Day! He is risen!
Resurrection of Jesus
Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20
Jesus was arrested, tried, and found guilty of claiming to be a king. His body was hung on a cross between two thieves. After his death, Jesus’ body was wrapped in linen cloth and placed in a tomb with a large stone rolled across the opening. On the third day, an early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene and another Mary came to the tomb and found it empty. Sitting on the rolled-away stone was an angel of the Lord who told them not to be afraid because Jesus had risen. As the women left to tell the disciples, Jesus Christ met them and showed them his nail-pierced hands. (from Bible Study Tools)
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Bell Chapel CME!
Info for Phoning in:
1 669 900 6833
Link and Code for Zoom Video Access:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/983 9548 3059
Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059
Call to Worship
Invocation of Praise
Hymn of Praise
The Modern Creed
Music Ministry
Giving Ministry
Acknowledgment of Guests
Music Ministry
Pastoral Prayer
Music Ministry
Invitation to Discipleship/Altar
______ Matthew 28: 1-7 ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rev. Yolanda Jackson
#102 He Lives
#104 He Arose
Sis. Dominique Springfield
Children’s Ministry
#94 Jesus Keep Me Near
Pastor Knox
The Blood/Because He Lives by CeCe Winans
Pastor Eloise Knox
Pastor KnoxWeekly Worship Announcements:
Women History Month: We are recognizing Senior aged women serving in various capacities in our church ministries between the ages of 80-98. We appreciate your commitment and service to the Lord and His Church. Hebrews 6:10 NASB, “For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, by having served and by still serving the saints.” - Pastor Eloise Knox and your Bell Chapel Family
Third Quarterly Conference: Attention Bell Chapel Officers: Quarterly Conference Secretary, Sunday School Superintendent, Stewards, Recording Steward, Treasurer, Trustees, WMS President, Usher President, MTM President, Bell Chapel’s Third Quarterly Conference in person April 16, 2024 @ 6:00pm. Please contact San Francisco District, Presiding Elder, and Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton if you are unable to attend.
(205) 382-2079 Text or Elderrdwalton@gmail.com
The 9th Episcopal District Shoe Drive for Elementary school age boys and girls, please bring your new purchases and place them in the large blue bin in the social hall. To be distributed during the Annual Conference.
Thank you, Outreach Ministry.
Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service) and Wednesday Night (Bible Study ):
New Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/983 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057, Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:30am- 10:30am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:30pm (PT)
MONDAY – FRIDAY: CME Church Connectional Prayer Conference Call, 6:20-7:00AM (PT Dial-In: (605) 468-8885, Access Code 616984#
TUESDAYS: Bell Chapel, Intercessory Prayer Call, 5:30- 6:00AM (PT)
Dial-In: (267) 807-9605, Access Code: 851686#
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, Zoom Link: 983 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057 Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#
WEDNESDAYS: Night: Rick Warren Bible Study Methods, Page 189, Chapter 10: The Book Background Method of Bible Study continues, 6:00- 7:30pm. Sis. Twila Brown, Instructor.
Bell Chapel Ministry to Men Support Meeting, 2:00 PM (PT) All Are Welcome
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86721723331
Telephone Dial-In: (669) 900-6833, Code #86721723331
March Birthday’s:
Jesse Capers March 18 Darell Doss March 18 Arlene Sharp March 25
Charles Puckett March 26 Robert Fields March 26
Sick & Shut-in
Bro. Charles Puckett Bro. Cedric Bell Sis. Dora Bell-Fields Bro. Aaron Tolliver Bro.
DaShaun Frelot Sis Opal Mc Coy Bro. Wilson Turner Bro. Fred Turner
Rev. Gino Gazarelli Sis. Bodine Brown
Senior Super Saints
Mrs. Ernestine Doss Mrs. Marie Taylor Mrs. Bea Goode Mrs. Opal McCoy
Stay Safe! Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands & Practice Social Distancing
Those who have not been vaccinated please wear a mask while in the church building to protect our Seniors and those with compromised immune systems.
(Scripture Focus: Matthew 18:18)
Prayers: Pray for the Government: COVID-19 Patients: Bereaved families: Inactive Members: Bishop Charley Hames, Jr, Lady Michelle Gaskill Hames. Presiding Elder. Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton Lady Dominique Walton, Pastor Eloise Knox
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church: Quadrennial Theme 2022-2026
Next- Level Ninth Episcopal District Mission & Vision: Reaching beyond where we are to where you belong! The Scripture; II Corinthians 10:3-5 & 14
Giving Ministry: Tithes, Offerings, Apportionment Fund, Donations
U. S. Mail: Bell Chapel CME Church, 1397 Palou Ave, S. F., CA 94124 Givelify: Bell Chapel CME Church Zelle: bellchapel1@att.net
Bell Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
1397 Palou Avenue • San Francisco, CA 94124 Email: bellchapel1@att.net • Telephone (415) 822-7044
The Modern Creed
The Minister: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is one true church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith, let us now declare:
We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power and love, whose mercy is over all his works, and whose will, is ever directed to his children's good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of man, the gift of the Father's unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen.
Friday, March 29, 2024
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Bell Family Gathering - September 2, 2024!
We are having a Bell Family gathering at Phillip's home on Monday, September 2nd.
If you're interested in attending and taking part in the Cheyenne Bell Golf Tournament on August 31st, please let us know. More information to follow.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Celebrating Roni! NAACP Freedom Fund!
The Perth Amboy Area Branch NAACP cordially invites you to join us on Saturday, April 20, 2024 for our Freedom FundLuncheon - “Our Legacy Lives On” - from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at Pines Manor (2085 Lincoln Hwy, Edison, NJ 08817).
We will celebrate our victories and honor those who continue to help our community to live up to the mission of the NAACP. This year's honorees are: Kyle Anderson (Woodbridge / Councilman / County School Superintendent); Rev. Mary H. Giles (Perth Amboy / Pastor / Seniors Advocate); Veronica Pitts (Carteret / Student Assistance Counselor / Coordinator); and Marlon Terrell (Woodbridge / Owner-Operator Chick-Fil-A). Our keynote speaker will be the dynamic Rev. Dr. Charles Boyer (Salvation and Social Justice).
Proceeds from this event will provide resources for community outreach, voter registration, and educational forums aimed to build equity in our communities. The Perth Amboy Area Branch NAACP was organized in 1941, in response to increasing discrimination, racial prejudice, and unjust policies. We serve Carteret, Perth Amboy, Sayreville, South Amboy and Woodbridge. People of all races, nationalities and faiths are invited to unite with us on the battlefield to protect the rights of all of us- not just some of us.
We solicit your support by asking you to purchase an ad in our Souvenir Journal.
Attached are more Freedom Fund Luncheon details on ads, tickets, and sponsorships. Tickets can be purchased for a donation of $125 (or $50 for those 12 years old and younger) from the honorees and/or executive committee members. Please make checks or money orders payable to: Perth Amboy Area Branch NAACP. Or purchase tickets through Paypal (BrendaHutchins70@gmail.com). For additional information, please contact the event Co-chairs: Rev. Donna Stewart (panaacppresident@gmail.com) or Brenda Hutchins (BrendaHutchins70@gmail.com).
Thank you in advance for supporting the NAACP. We look forward to seeing you there!
Best Regards,
Rev. Donna Stewart, President, Perth Amboy Area Branch NAACP
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Bell Chapel CME! March 24, 2024!
Info for Phoning in:
1 669 900 6833
Link and Code for Zoom Video Access:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/983 9548 3059
Meeting ID: 983 9548 3059
Call to Worship ________________________________ Rev. Yolanda Jackson
Invocation of Praise ________________________________ Minister
Scripture _______(Zechariah 9:9-10)_________ Minster
Hymn of Praise ______(Praise Him, Praise Him)____ Anthony Brown FBCG
The Modern Creed ________________________________ Minister
Praise & Worship
Music Ministry _________(Alabaster Box)_________ CeCe Winans
Giving Ministry ________________________________ Stewards
Acknowledgment of Guest ________________________________ Dominique Springfield
Music Ministry _____Tobechukwu (Praise God)_____ Nathaniel Bassey &
Mercy Chinwo
Pastoral Prayer ________________________________ Pastor Eloise Knox
Music Ministry ___________(Psalm 34)____________ Brooklyn Tabernacle
Sermon ________________________________ Pastor Eloise Knox
Invitation to Discipleship/ ________________________________ Minister
Altar Call
Doxology/Benediction ________________________________ Pastor Eloise Knox
Weekly Worship Announcements:
Attention: Worship Service will begin at 10:00am on Resurrection Sunday, Sunday March 31, 2024. Sunday School will resume the first Sunday in April. - Pastor Eloise Knox.
CME Church Communications is hosting C-ME Grow: Sustaining Intergenerational Membership Growth – Elevating and Engaging New Members on March 12, 19, 26 and April 2 at 8:00 PM (CST)/9:00 PM (EST).
Women History Month: We are recognizing young women serving in various capacities in our church ministries between the ages of 22-45. We appreciate your commitment and service to the Lord and His Church. Hebrews 6:10 NASB, “For God is not unjust to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, by having served and by still serving the “saints.”
Third Quarterly Conference, Attention Bell Chapel Officers: Quarterly Conference Secretary, Sunday School Superintendent, Stewards, Recording Steward, Treasurer, Trustees, WMS President, Usher President, MTM President, Bell Chapel’s Third Quarterly Conference in person April 16, 2024 @ 6:00pm. Please contact San Francisco District, Presiding Elder, Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton if you are unable to attend. (205) 382-2079 Text or Elderrdwalton@gmail.com
Northern California Region Minister’s Alliance Annual Palm Sunday Worship Service:
Beebe Memorial CME Cathedral, 3900 Telegraph Ave, Sunday, March 24, 2024 @ 4:00pm.
Presiding Prelate of the Ninth Episcopal District, Bishop Charley Hames, Jr. Preacher
Rev. Willie McDaniel, Alliance President
The 9th Episcopal District Shoe Drive for Elementary school age boys and girls, please bring your new purchases and place them in the large blue bin in the social hall. Thank you, Outreach Ministry
Bell Chapel Zoom Meeting (Worship Service) and Wednesday Night (Bible Study ):
New Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/983 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057, Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9:30am- 10:30am (PT) Worship 11:00- 12:30pm (PT)
MONDAY – FRIDAY: CME Church Connectional Prayer Conference Call, 6:20-7:00AM (PT Dial-In: (605) 468-8885, Access Code 616984#
TUESDAYS: Bell Chapel, Intercessory Prayer Call, 5:30- 6:00AM (PT)
Dial-In: (267) 807-9605, Access Code: 851686#
Wednesday: Prayer Meeting & Bible Study, Zoom Link: 983 9548 3059 Passcode: 633057 Dial In (669) 900-6833, 983 9548 3059 Passcode 633057#
WEDNESDAYS: Night: Rick Warren Bible Study Methods, Page 189, Chaapyer 10, The Book Survey Method of Bible Study continues, 6:00- 7:30pm. Sis. Twila Brown, Instructor.
Bell Chapel Ministry to Men Support Meeting, 2:00 PM (PT) All Are Welcome
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86721723331
Telephone Dial-In: (669) 900-6833, Code #86721723331
March Birthday’s:
Jesse Capers March 18 Darrell Doss March 18 Arlene Sharp March 25
Charles Puckett March 26 Robert Fields March 30
Sick & Shut-in
Bro. Charles Puckett Bro. Cedric Bell Sis. Dora Bell-Fields Bro. Aaron Tolliver
Bro. DaShaun Frelot Sis Opal Mc Coy Bro. Wilson Turner Bro. Fred Turner
Rev. Gino Gazarelli Sis. Bodine Brown
Senior Super Saints
Mrs. Ernestine Doss Mrs. Marie Taylor Mrs. Bea Goode Mrs. Opal McCoy
Stay Safe! Wear a Mask! Wash Your Hands & Practice Social Distancing
Those who have not been vaccinated please wear a mask while in the church building to protect our Seniors and those with compromised immune systems.
(Scripture Focus: Matthew 18:18)
Prayers: Pray for the Government: COVID-19 Patients: Bereaved families: Inactive Members: Bishop Charley Hames, Jr, Lady Michelle Gaskill Hames. Presiding Elder. Rev. Dr. Reginald Walton Lady Dominique Walton, Pastor Eloise Knox
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church: Quadrennial Theme 2022-2026
Next- Level Ninth Episcopal District Mission & Vision: Reaching beyond where we are to where you belong! The Scripture; II Corinthians 10:3-5 & 14
Giving Ministry: Tithes, Offerings, Apportionment Fund, Donations
U. S. Mail: Bell Chapel CME Church, 1397 Palou Ave, S. F., CA 94124 Givelify: Bell Chapel CME Church Zelle: bellchapel1@att.net
Bell Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
1397 Palou Avenue • San Francisco, CA 94124 Email: bellchapel1@att.net • Telephone (415) 822-7044
Feb 1st Lynnox Feb 4th Ali & Whalyn Feb 5th Remembering Dorothy Feb 6th Wayne H Feb 7th Remembering Joe Feb 11th Wa...