Friday, March 22, 2024

Let's Talk About Mama Shinet!

She was born in Claiborne Parish, Antioch area. Her mother was Maggie Williams and her father was Allen George. Their children were Madden, Elnora, Ed, Lou, Rosevelt. After Allen died, Maggie also had 2 more children; Wilson and Clotee and she raised Mama (Pearlena). 

Maggie Williams' parents were Lucinda Mozeke Williams and Jerry Williams. There other children were Mollie, Maude, Pinkie, Vesta, Jonas. 

Allen George' father was Herbert Bryant. He may have been partially raised by his grandmother, Fillis Johnson who was from Georgia. Mama Shinet said he was part Choctaw.

Mama Shinet!! She was my maternal grandmother. I have never called her grandma and I don't believe any of her grandchildren called her grandma. She was always Mama Shinet. I loved her so much and was always happy when I could visit her or she came to visit us. She was a slight built lady with many gold teeth in front. That was a trend in those Days that meant beauty. She wore a string on he lower leg with a Dime on it. It was considered a treatment for arthritis in those days. She would cook greens from her garden and large pones of hot water corn bread. Due to low wages it had to last a long time. Her  common law husband hunted wild animals and she would cook them. She took care of her chickens, guineas and a Billie Goat named  Nannie. She had 3 children, Mama, Aunt Eleze and Pongee aka Pelo who died as a teen. I will never forget her. She was our second mama. 


1 comment:

Wallace U Bell said...

She was sweet and loving. She never got tired of us combing her beautiful hair. Every time I would find a bottle of alcohol that daddy had put under ground j would take it to her. He never questioned me. She enjoyed every drop.
She also had to beat cookies in the world under her bed.