Saturday, March 16, 2024

Bell Gram Is 32!

It was March 16, 1992 when I thought that a family newsletter might be a good idea. Our family has always stayed in touch closely, but I just wanted to add to that, mainly for Daddy's Grands. :)


Thanks to all who have helped and participated throughout the years. I couldn't have done it without you. When we started it was a typewriter, typing paper, lots of time at Kinkos, envelopes, stamps and a visit to the post office. Did I mention I was a night shift nurse? :) Then access to the internet allowed for more colorful templates. Don't ever dis Wayne O's black and white template. It was awesome and so was his help over the years. :) Later I learned about blogs and started to use blogger. 

We have shared significant losses together. God has given us strength in the midst of them and in the midst of serious illnesses and treatments. He has constantly been in all that we have faced and we have given Him the glory for helping us through them and for the many celebrations that we have had. 

With all of the new and easier ways to communicate these days, this blog is less important than it used to be, but as long as there are viewers (and I know when there are :)), I will do my best. 
I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I am thankful for all of the participation and help I've received with this dream or in Wallace's Mr Brown's voice, "this tiffany" I had 32 years ago. :)
As always, I thank you all who share, participate and read and special thanks to Jean, Mattie, Wallace, Glen, Wayne O., Hank and Ursula for going above and beyond in their own way. 

Proverbs 11:25: “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.”


Ursula said...

Your unwavering dedication to keeping our family connected through your Bell Grams has been nothing short of extraordinary. For over three decades, you have been the glue that binds our scattered family together, ensuring that no matter where we are in the world, we remain close at heart. Your commitment to sharing updates, milestones, and even the everyday joys and sorrows has truly been a source of comfort and joy for all of us.

BellGram 2024 said...

For some unknown reason this BG Birthday makes me very emotional. Happy Birthday BG. Thank you Rikki for your patience, tenacity and dedication to continue the forum. You are so dedicated to this and I thank you for all you do for us. Jean