Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Better Life for Their Children: A Rosenwald Schools Journey - Andrew F...

A video sharing information about the Rosenwald Schools built in the south for African American students starting in the 20's. Fascinating story that has been discussed by Jean and Glen recently. Glen is currently reading the book by the above name. Our family members attended the Rosenwald school below. The picture below shows Jean, Mattie, Vata and several cousins and friends at the school in Mt Sinai. 
Some years ago Jean submitted a copy of this picture to the curator of the Ford Museum in Homer and it was placed in a book compiled by the museum. 

Above pic from Ford Museum book

Dorothy Brown is Aunt Mollie's daughter. Aunt Mollie was our grandfather's sister. Florine is Uncle Porter's daughter (Daddy's brother). Lou Bell (AKA Lou Vata :)), W.C.Birch is Wayne's cousin. Esther Brown is Dorothy's sister and AKA Pudding. Mattie Mae :), Mildred James is Daddy's first cousin on his mother's side. Second Row: Doris Bell is Uncle Porter's daughter. Theo Hay is Mama's cousin, Shedrick Hay's daughter. Ferdinand Bell is Uncle Porter's son. Geneva Bell is Uncle Robert's daughter. Uncle Robert was our grandfather's brother. Joseph James is Daddy's first cousin on his mom's side. and Jean Ethel Bell Kendrick who made this history lesson possible. :)

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