Monday, September 30, 2019

October Birthdays & Days To Remember!

Wallace - 2nd
Donovan - 9th
Wanda - 15th
James Waylon - 19th
Azarra - 19th
Zuriyah - 20th
Madison - 27th

Saturday, September 28, 2019

September Sharing 2! From Roni!

Spending the summers in Louisiana as a child was a joy.  Mama Pearl was always so kind, nurturing, and giving. Did not have a lot of material things however .... she had a heart of gold and made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. 
She may have only had one cinnamon bun however she would share it always giving you the larger portion. 

A kind gesture today reminded me of Mama Pearl..... I am reminded of a time in which I had a reaction to some mosquito bites and Mama Pearl  took care of me.

Mama Pearl boiled water and put me in a tin tub 
on the back porch and nursed my bites. 

I was reminded of her today as Aunt Lavata stop by to deliver this delicious homemade chicken noodle soup for the soul - just thought I’d share that with you all. I am in heaven. What an Angel 😇

Monday, September 23, 2019

September Random Pics! 2

Kamasi & Rick rafting on The Kern River

Greetings Auntie Rikki,

Please find the Photos on Wayne’s visit to the 33 Warren St. Church. 

We had “ chuch ya’ll “. 

Singing, Praying and Praising the Lord !!!

It was a Blessing from God for His Divine timing.  

Great seeing Cous and having Momma Mattie drop by as well. 

God IS Good!!!

Rodney visiting Aunt Jean
Jean w/Charisse's mom, Bethena

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Celebrating Wynton! Freshman Year! September! Continued!

Greetings Aunties and Cousins,

MIGHT YOU be Attending The FRESHMAN Year Movie Premiere playing at Sacramento Esquire?

The Producer/Director Jude Johnson and Family perhaps some Cast members, will be Fellowshipping with St. Paul Baptist Church that morning!!!

Shirts are Available until 9a to be in Sacramento for the Movie. 

Lo and I took a Group down Monday night for a Preview as we’re MARKETING AND PROMOTING Movie here in Sactown.

We had a Blessed time with the Director/Producer Jude, & Son, and Executive Director, Zina Glockton n Wynton!!!!

Here's the site to order the t-shirts:

ORDER by midnight and you'll have them by 9/29

The prayer is to wear them on morning of 9/30 and OVER to the IMAX Theater

Here is the link to view Jude’s entire interview with Charlee Simons at 103.9 The Fish in Sacramento. 
Please share, as it really does allow others to experience Jude and hear his heart.  

We’d love to have you there!!!!

Take Care.  

Stay Blessed!!

Love The Odd Family