Monday, September 23, 2019

September Random Pics! 2

Kamasi & Rick rafting on The Kern River

Greetings Auntie Rikki,

Please find the Photos on Wayne’s visit to the 33 Warren St. Church. 

We had “ chuch ya’ll “. 

Singing, Praying and Praising the Lord !!!

It was a Blessing from God for His Divine timing.  

Great seeing Cous and having Momma Mattie drop by as well. 

God IS Good!!!

Rodney visiting Aunt Jean
Jean w/Charisse's mom, Bethena

1 comment:

BellGram 2024 said...

Thanks for sharing your vacation pics, Rick. Glad when you guys come to NorCal.

Enjoyed seeing the NJ pics! Sounds like a good praise party. :) Thank the

Aunt Rikki