Saturday, September 28, 2019

September Sharing 2! From Roni!

Spending the summers in Louisiana as a child was a joy.  Mama Pearl was always so kind, nurturing, and giving. Did not have a lot of material things however .... she had a heart of gold and made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. 
She may have only had one cinnamon bun however she would share it always giving you the larger portion. 

A kind gesture today reminded me of Mama Pearl..... I am reminded of a time in which I had a reaction to some mosquito bites and Mama Pearl  took care of me.

Mama Pearl boiled water and put me in a tin tub 
on the back porch and nursed my bites. 

I was reminded of her today as Aunt Lavata stop by to deliver this delicious homemade chicken noodle soup for the soul - just thought I’d share that with you all. I am in heaven. What an Angel 😇

1 comment:

BellGram 2024 said...

Enjoyed your post, Roni. So nice. :)