Sunday, August 13, 2023

Happy Birthday, Hank!


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday Hank.
I hope your Day is relaxing and full of fun with your family.
May you have many happy years to come.
To my first born.
Nes! ❤️

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Hank.
I pray your special day is extra fun.
God bless you and family.

Wallace U Bell said...

Happy birthday Hank. May The Lord watch over you and keep you and may His face to shine upon you.
Uncle Wallace

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Henry.
Hope it's a happy and blessed one.
Hope that your hand is feeling better.
Love you, Aunt Mattie

Glenidell said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, "Hank"!!! I pray your day is all you desire and more. Continued blessings to you and yours. ❤️

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy belated Hank.
Sorry, I'm late.
Love you,
Aunt LouVata