Monday, July 8, 2024

July Random Pics! Recent!

Charisse, Wallace, Rhonda, Alex, Loraine & Domingo (Rhonda's bd celebration)

Phillip & Loraine

Above gathering in Pleasanton 

Sugar Pie with her nephew and brother, Anthony & Domingo

Lorraine with former Mayor Willie Brown

Lorraine & Sugar Pie with current San Francisco Mayor London Breed

Above pics at Celebration for Sugar Pie. She and Mayor Brown honored at  the Fillmore Street Jazz Festival, San Francisco

Maya's Farewell Party
Korey, Phillip, Lorraine, Domingo, Khadija, Maya


Angel & Alijah went fishing with Ishmael at Lake Claiborne :)

Wayne's Bass Club

Octavian, Kayla & Ishmael in Homer, LA



Alijah, Ursula, Octavian, Kayla, Delores & Jillian

Glo, Uncle Tom's daughter visiting with her cousins from Houston



Octavian, Twilla Hay Alford, Kayla, Delores & Jillian

In the above pics Ursula introducing Octavian and Kayla to their Bell & Hay relatives with Jillian and Delores. 


Chassity, Demetris (Glo's children) & Glo with Alijah

Tommie Bell III and Glo with Ursula (Uncle Tom's children)

Alijah, Ursula, Angel, Carl & Ishmael hanging out on Pitts Road. 

Above pics are of Ishmael fishing on Lake D'Arbonne

Ish feeding one of Wayne's brother's horses
Ish's pic of deer near Holyfield home

Ishmael, Avalyn, Ursula & Mrs. Holyfield (Wayne's sister and mom)

1 comment:

BellGram 2024 said...

Thanks, Urs for sharing these special family moments with us. They mean a lot and thanks Jill for making the trip so it could be possible.
Love, Rikki/NayNay