Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Happy Birthday, Belinda!


BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday Belinda.
I hope life is good and may you have many happy days ahead.
Aunt Jean

BellGram 2024 said...

You were the Blessing that made me an Aunt the first time. I used to hold you and theysaid you looked like me. You are blessing me now. Stay sweet and your mind on our God.
Love, Aunt Billie

BellGram 2024 said...

Happy Birthday, Belinda.
I pray that you are feeling especially blessed today. I wish for you all the best today and in the years to come.
Love you, Aunt Rikki

BellGram 2024 said...

Hi Belinda
Just want to wish you a happy and blessed birthday. You don't hear from me much, but it's not because I'm not thinking about you and I keep you in my prayers and I love you. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed birthday. I love you much.
Aunt Mattie