Friday, October 25, 2019

Oct Sharing: Money Saving Tips!

The following article from

37 Frugal Tips to make sure you’re doing:

  1. Shop grocery store sales and stock up on items you regularly use.
  2. Purchase the items you eat regularly in bulk.
  3. Only shop for groceries with a list, and stick to it.
  4. Minimize trips to the grocery store. Shop once a week or every other week, and no more.
  5. Shop used baby + kid gear on Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, or OfferUp.
  6. Shop used clothing at consignment stores, on eBay, Poshmark, etc.
  7. Use an HSA if you have one available to you.
  8. Sleep on online purchases at least one night, preferably more, before making them.
  9. Do at-home haircuts for children.
  10. Pack your lunches for work instead of eating out.
  11. Turn down the thermostat in the winter, raise it in the summer, and dress accordingly.
  12. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  13. Search for coupons before making a purchase in-store or online.
  14. Use cash-back apps like Ibotta, Fetch, and Rakuten.
  15. Do your own car repairs. YouTube anything and everything first to see if you can do it yourself. Many car parts can be purchased online.
  16. Practice minimalism. Go with less in your home and wardrobe.
  17. Keep driving that old car that never stops running.
  18. When you do purchase a new vehicle, buy one that is 3-4 years old (or more) to cut back on depreciation.
  19. Cut cable TV. Use Netflix, Amazon Prime or Hulu instead.
  20. Upcycle or repurpose things you already have in your home to bring them new life.
  21. Work out at home, outside, or at a local park.
  22. Check out books and movies from the library instead of purchasing them.
  23. Purchase quality items that will last to avoid waste and need to repurchase.
  24. Wash lightly used ziplocks and use them again, or use reusable options.
  25. Compost kitchen scraps, use the soil for a garden.
  26. Borrow or rent tools from neighbors, friends, or places like Home Depot instead of buying.
  27. Make DIY gifts that are inexpensive but thoughtful to impress your loved ones instead of buying gifts.
  28. Try to do 2-3 meatless meals per week for dinner.
  29. Drink water instead of coffee, soda, juice, or energy drinks. Way better for you, too.
  30. Freeze veggie scraps and bone scraps in a gallon ziplock. When it’s full, make a homemade bone broth.
  31. Always double check shopping receipts for accuracy. Scams and accidents happen.
  32. Always double check insurance claims and bills for accuracy.
  33. Do a no spend day once a week on a regular basis (i.e. every Sunday, or use some other length of time).
  34. Cook at home for most meals.
  35. Haggle with confidence anywhere where prices are negotiable.
  36. Call utility and service providers to try to negotiate lower rates on your bills.
  37. Before paying medical bills, call and ask for a lower cash price.

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