Saturday, October 5, 2019

October Fitness & Nutrition!

About Prebiotics and Probiotics

Wallace: "Doing it." 10/15
Best Bread

Rikki 10/21
Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is often called the silent killer because it usually lacks obvious symptoms. When high blood pressure is left uncontrolled, it is a major risk factor for heart attact, stroke, hert failure and kidney disease. It is defined as high if top number is 130 or above, or the bottom number is 80 or higher. 

Tips to help: Cook at home. Know how much sodium is in your food. Look for sources of potassium, found in many fruits and vegetables, especially sweet potatoes, bananas, spinach and avocados. Increasing potassium can help to lower your sodium.  (AARP Magazine)

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